Yesterday I ran over what appears to be an Allen wrentch which caused my tire to go flat. It was leaking air very fast and I could hear the hissing very audibly which is how I found out about it. The car currently sports the ugly yellow spare at the moment. My tires have 23k miles on them and I think there may be a good chance the tire will have to replaced due to the damaged. Should I just replace the one tire if it needs to be replaced or replace the two (in the rear which is where the flat is) ?
If you can find the exact same type of tires you have on the car now......replacing one tire should be fine. If not,,,,,,then buy two matching tires for the same axle.
My tire guy says, assuming there is still plenty of tread left on the remaining tire and because this is the rear tire, you need only replace the damaged tire. It's always best to replace both rear tires at the same time, but sometimes, it isn't necessary. If it were the front tire, then you should replace both (unless there was very little wear on the existing tire). Another thought is that you might only need to get the tire fixed rather than replaced. I've done that when the tire is still relatively new. And by the way, on my Ford Explorer, Costco would only replace all 4 tires at once. I was told they will replace 2 tires at a time on the Prius but I haven't confirmed. I didn't ask whether they will replace just 1 tire. Mike
Getting 2 news tires would be better at this point. Mine made it to 35k, which was pushing it a bit in the snow. .
has the tire guy tried to patch it from indie the tire? I got 32k from my factory tires, so at 23k I would replace a pair.