Not a big milestone to many of you, but I finally got the bladder to expand enough now that the weather is warmer to hit a 500 mile tank. 508, last pip started blinking at 503. Filled up with nine was all she would squeeze in at the station I was at. Last time I got nearly ten before she burped up some of it, so I learned that lesson to not overfill. The most expensive gas is the stuff that winds up on the ground. Since purchase last Thanksgiving I'm in the 48-50mpg range on most tanks. That's been in mostly 30-50 degree weather. We're warming into the 70s now. I'd like to get into the 50mpg range consistently, but I'm not sure I can do it. I'm not sure what I can change about my driving to make it happen...except hope for heavier traffic. That seems to be when I get my best numbers, 20-40mph stop and go on the freeway.
Congrats! Did it burp on you when you tried to top off at the end, or just in the middle of fueling up normally?
Congrats on your 500+ mile tank. The warmer temps have definitely helped a lot. The high winds we've been having in OK are counter productive though. I don't know if you have a way to take routes on your commute that are a bit slower than highway speeds but the slower speeds can help your mpg numbers and make for a more relaxed commute. There are a lot of threads on techniques to maximize your mpg. Some may seem extreme to the average person, but most are not and just require a few simple changes in awareness or technique.
Mike - it burped at the end. I was trying to find out where that point was for my car. Doing the slow fill thing. I started with a blinking pip, and got about 9.5 in successfully. Took that all just fine. So I went for ten. That also took...sorta. When I decided I'd pushed my luck enough, I turned around to shut off the pump and hang the nozzle. Until then, all looked normal, but at that point she started gushing fuel back up at me. Looked like about a half gallon to me. At least I was out of the way and it didn't cost me a pair of shoes. Mark - I've actually done a lot of work already with my driving style. While I can't do it as well as some, there are stretches where I do quite well for myself. That's all thanks to the threads you've mentioned. My route to work isn't really flexible least not any more than I've already modified it. I do have a nice little four mile stretch to close out the trip home that is gradually downhill the whole way, so I get to end my day by pegging my mileage for a short stretch at 30-40mph at a coast. That's one of the route modifications I've made. Current tank so far is 53mpg on ~100 miles. And yes, spring in Oklahoma has arrived. The wind is back to sweeping. As a golfer, all I can say is .
53 mpg is excellent. I'm getting mileage this year that I couldn't get last year just because I'm a year more experienced. You'll keep improving. Traffic is the real mpg killer for me. This 20 - 30 mph every day March wind is the pits. We've been trying to get in some good March top water Bass fishing but we keep getting blown off the lakes.
Long way between a 500 mile tank and an 800. That's really impressive, even if you were able to control the variables to suit your goals. I can see maybe hitting 600 on my regular driving if everything fell just right, but north of 700 is a pipe dream unless I can dramatically improve my driving abilities.
Sweet! Congrats. Just goes to show how flexible the bladder is. I ended this tank right as I hit the last pip but before the blink. My tank never usually takes more than 8 gallons.
I hear ya! My buddy just installed stabilizer bars on his Ranger for that reason. I'm more of a soft plastics fisherman so the wind screws me up as well.
I hear you. I was doing everything I could just to hit that goal. Definitely not normal driving. You can look at the 1st post here or here's the pic from July 2010.
Yeah, plastic worms and high wind = backlash city. We're throwing top water lures now that they've moved in to the shallows. It's fun trying to land a lunker and run the trolling motor to hold your position in 20+ mph wind.
PS, I took this image about 45 minutes ago. I potentially have a new record mpg but I can't claim it since I've not filled up yet. Plus I've "only" gone ~285 miles so far. On my best mpg tank last year, the HSI showed 80.7 which equated to 76.4 mpg actual plus it was over 417.8 miles. The stoooopid wind has killed it. It's been howling at 20 - 30 mph. On this tank at 100 miles, my HSI showed 99.7 mpg and at 196 miles it was 85.3 mpg. I'll keep trying but I don't think this tank will make it. It's only March.
That's it, I'm moving out west to a flat town with average speeds of 30 mph. For the damn mileage, that's all.
Thanks! PS, I hope my blatant mpg post doesn't diminish par_struggle's accomplishment. It was certainly not intended to do so. We were sort of comparing yellow snow lines and I just had to whip it out. (I apologize for any intended mental imagery) He's doing great and I know he'll continue to do so. The first 500 mile tank is a big deal and we celebrate it.
I agree, he's doing great. I actually like seeing huge numbers like yours and Tony's. They give me something to aim for.
As they say around here on the back of many trucks, "I ain't skeered!" I can't drive a Prius and be compensating for something, so I say whip it out...I ain't skeered.