First 1000 miles... Impressions

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by GeoffM, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. GeoffM

    GeoffM Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Picked up my 2005 Salsa BC in Escanaba, MI on Saturday afternoon and drove back to NY over the last 2 days, around 1,150 miles all told. Impressions:

    1. Handling: "Twitchy" in the wind. It was windy most of the way through Michigan and it surprised me how much the car wanted to move around. It definitely takes a while to get used to the (over?) responsiveness of the steering. One caveat: I wanted better tires than the OEMs that came with the car so I had the dealer put a set of Goodyear TriplTreds on the car. Now I wish I had waited until I got home so I could have compared the handling, ride and noise with the OEMs. I think I'll try to find another Prius owner with OEM tires here on Long Island who would be willing to give my car a drive and let me know what they think of the Goodyears.

    2. Nav: Very strange routing that many times defied common sense. I think I need to start looking at the actual route listing for the three different routes and pick the best one that way. POI information was way out of date, at least for many parts of Michigan. I was looking for a motel near an I75 exit and the nav system knew about very, very few motels that were right there in plain sight. In addition, when you switch to "exit" information mode, where it shows you the upcoming exits and what's at each exit, many times the future exits would show as "calculating", sometimes for five minutes or more. And then once they were done calculating many of the exits that showed no POIs (hotels, gas, food, etc.) actually had many or all of those items. One thing that would be helpful to know is how far a POI can be from an exit before it's not considered for "exit display" mode. Anyone know? Oh, and voice nav is really hit or miss - lots of misrecognition.

    3. Comfort: I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable I was in the car. I'm 6'4" and expected the Prius to feel cramped. It doesn't.

    4. Performance: Much better than I thought. This little baby can really go when you need it to. It's no Porsche, but it sure holds its own.

    5. Fuel economy. Nothing great compared to a lot of you, but I got around 43-44 MPG for the trip, most of it highway driving at 65-75 MPH.

    6. Audio. Radio is OK, but I would have killed for XM on this trip. That's one option that will be added real soon.

    Conclusion: I rented a Prius for a day before I bought mine and never noticed the wandering in the wind. And that's my only real complaint right now. Perhaps it's a tire issue or maybe just the nature of the car. As I said, I'm going to try to get in touch with another owner here on the Island and see if we can compare handling characteristics at highway speeds. Other than that, it's a great car. (But then you know that!)

  2. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!
    Back in March I had an opportunity to buy a Prius up there but decided that I didn't want to pay $900 over MSRP for what amounted to paint sealing and ScotchGuard.

    Just curious if they are still doing that?
  3. jamarimutt

    jamarimutt New Member

    May 4, 2004
    I just rotated the OEM tires at 10,000 miles and it looks like they'll be good for around 30,000.

    If your new tires are not of the low rolling resistance, higher pressure type, your mileage is going to be lower than with the OEM tires.
  4. GeoffM

    GeoffM Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Unfortunately, yes. It's really "only" $799 + $160 doc fee, and that fell just below my threshold of pain for getting a car now vs. waiting and paying MSRP. In my area (Long Island) there are just no cars to be had. I even had two dealerships refuse to put me on a list. I suppose this will change some time next year when the allocations go up, but for now that's the way it is around here.

  5. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!
    I'm cool with that. Did you like the drive back from MI or did you have it shipped? I bought mine in Sacramento and drove it back 4100 miles to Michigan but had a great vacation!
  6. GeoffM

    GeoffM Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Flew in to Escanaba on Saturday afternoon with my 9-year-old daughter and then drove back on Sunday and Monday, stopping at Niagra Falls for a brief visit. Great trip, and you just can't beat time with your kids!

  7. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Nav systems are strange. I have had a iQue for more than a year and have kept it for when I travel and rent a car. I was in Michingan last week and went up to Baldwin to do some fishing. I routed from Columbus Ohio and went up 23 to near Ann Arbor then over 96 the Nave system wanted to take me into Grand Rapids then head north 96 curves around the city and I went that way. Both coming and going the iQue locked up when I got on that bit of highway and went off into la la land and had to be reset. I have noticed other problem areas where the data is not good, most of the time it copes and recalculates. There is a short area of I90 out side in Idaho where it did the same thing. I have been through that one 4 time now and it is consistent. Funny thing is that it showes the road on the map but just cant deal with you using it. Strange.
  8. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!
  9. VARedDevil

    VARedDevil New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
    Fredericksburg, Virginia
    2004 Prius
    :p We have just over 3500 miles on the Prius and bought it on Sept 5th, so the mileage is building quickly. We decided to take the Prius down to see our daughter in Winston-Salem, NC, this past weekend. I wanted to see what kind of mileage we'd get with it on strictly interstate usage and plus my daughter and son-in-law wanted to see it. (Not too many Prius running around in fact, we only saw one classic the whole time we were there). Anyway, we averaged 50.9 mpg at 70-75 mph. I let the cruise handle the work, and it did an admirable job. This fuel economy was only about 2 mpg less then what my wife gets on her daily commute, so I was very impressed on how the Prius handled the trip. So those naysayers out there that say the Prius can't get good MPG on steady highway driving...I say my 50.9 mpg!! :guns: :mrgreen:
  10. jimofdg

    jimofdg New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    DG, IL, US

    Because you had tested a Prius before buying, I can see why you got the idea to start new tires at the dealer (did Scott give you an allowance for the OEM tires?). Sorry to hear about your handling problems. I had none of that on my trip home from Escanaba (64 mph max), and I hope you find someone in your area to compare notes with. It wasn't until 3 weeks of ownership that I checked my tire pressure and found that my OEM Goodyears all had 35 psi, which is where it will remain until my gas station gets its air pump replaced.

    Nav will not learn how you talk to it, but like Graffiti on a Palm, you will improve in how you send your messages. Your problem in getting the POI to appear is unexpected. Your Prius was probably set for Region 6 (Michigan), but this may not have been the case. If the dealer set your Prius for the New York region (easy for you to change from the Dest screen), you would have some Nav in Michigan but not full function.

    Did they set New York radio stations for you (they did for Chicago in mine)? That may be a clue to the Nav region it came set to.

    I agree the $799 fee was not bad for immediate ownership and a dealer prep experience that was without a single problem. They sent me the right paperwork (MCO) 3 days after delivery and I had all the title and registration stuff done at home 4 days after delivery.
  11. Kev1000000

    Kev1000000 New Member

    Jun 17, 2004
    Livonia, MI
    Did you happen to get it from Riverside Town 'n Country?

    If so, thats where i got mine! Scott Anderson is AWESOME! :D
  12. jimofdg

    jimofdg New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    DG, IL, US
    Yes, he is. And yes, we did.

    There's not room enough in Escanaba, MI for two Toyota dealers (or even two gates at the airport, so Scott will know where to pick you up). :D
  13. Kev1000000

    Kev1000000 New Member

    Jun 17, 2004
    Livonia, MI
    lol yep :p

    Yea, scott was awesome, i had a GREAT prius buying experience from him! :)
  14. GeoffM

    GeoffM Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Long Island, NY
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jimofdg\";p=\"44970)</div>
    No allowance on the tires, in fact, they charged me $50 to put the new onles on, despite my willingness to give them the OEM tires in exchange. Apparently Goodyear dealers won't take back OEM tires that are on the Prius and Scott said his dealership had no use for them. I ended up leaving the tires with Scott, and it's really my only disappointment with the transaction. I felt like they kind of nickled-and-dimed me on the tires, especially considering I had paid over MSRP. But again, to be fair, they did put the spash guards on that I sent, free of charge, so it's hard to get too upset over the tire thing.

    As far as nav region goes, it was set correctly to the Michigan area when I was in Michigan, and then to Canada when I went through there on the way home, and then to NY region now that I'm back.

    And yes, the transaction with Town and Country was a great experience (tires aside). All the paperwork was in order and after my obligatory hour wait at the NY DMV on Monday, the car's official.
