How long does it take your heat to come on? Or how long should it? I seem to remember than when I put the temp up I had heat pretty much instantaneously. It now takes a good five minutes for the air to feel warm coming out of the vents. And my window washer fluid has no pressure anymore. It squirts a short, pitiful little piddle at the very bottom of the windshield. It used to hit above eye level. Should I take it in to the dealer? Are these issues that should be fixed? I bought the car in April. Isn't this warranty stuff?
The weather is colder perhaps than your previous experience. My car does show heat soon but it takes several minutes to put out really warm air. I use my steering wheel control to up the auto setting to 74 until the car warms then lower to a comfortable level. The weak streams from the window washers could be caused by wax in the nozzle openings. Anyone waxed the car recently??
"And my window washer fluid has no pressure anymore. It squirts a short, pitiful little piddle at the very bottom of the windshield. It used to hit above eye level." have you added washer fluid as I found out that when it starts to get low it quits hhmmmmm *issing with any force.
The washer tank is full. I wash and wax the car and no, nothing is in the nozzles. I wonder if a hose got crimped or something? And I crank the heater up to MAX HOT and it's still five minutes before I start to get warm air out of the vents. Yes, it is colder now which is why I'm now noticing how long it takes the heat to come on. I get cold air blowing on me for five min in the morning and it's not pleasant. I'm calling the dealer tomorrow and making an appointment to take the car in.
Well, I just got my 2006, and honestly, this doesn't seem strange. No car I have ever owned has IMMEDIATELY sent out warm air. How would that be possible? Remember, there's no real HEATER in the car-- it is just from the engine, right? And if the engine is cold, how will it send warm air? In my old Accord, I would just leave the whole heating system off until I had gotten going for a few minutes, because I knew that it would be cold air. In my new Prius, I just turn it on auto. And the Prius is so smart, it knows NOT to turn the fan on high, until the engine has warmed up (about 2-3 minutes)! My suggestion-- leave it on auto, and just set the temp.
Actually, if I'm not mistaken, the Prius does have an electric heater that works until the engine is warm, then the cabin is heated in the usual way.
Very funny. It can get cold here. We have had below freezing and frost. Occasional hail and even more rare snow. But...being the long time resident I am....anything below 68 is cold and anything above 74 is hot. It's been in the low 50's when I leave for work and I've been putting the heater on.
Heh. We warm up the house into the 50's. Well .. my wife bumps the thermostat up to 61 or 62 if old people are coming to visit.