Went to the dealer for normal service and throttle body cleaning today. Inspections revealed the rear brakes are finally down. They didn't have the OEM parts in stock so I have to wait one day. I'll head back down to Lake Havasu first thing tomorrow morning. This will be our Prius' first rear brake job and it comes after 14 years and 191,000 miles. Just another detail about the Prius that makes it such an economical car.
More succinctly would be "first brake shoe replacement". You really want to pull off the drums periodically, relube the (three) contact points between the shoe edge and backing plate, and of course check shoe thickness and drum ID. Toyota USA recommends a "fuller" brake inspection, every 30K miles or tri-yearly, whichever comes first: Sadly they are very cryptic about what needs doing though. Honda's better in this regard, spec's a periodic "brake inspection", and has a corresponding "brake inspection" section their Shop Manual, which spells out step-by-step what should be done. Toyota's Repair Manual also has a brake section, but shows a complete brake tear-down-and-overhaul, which is overkill for periodic inspection. My 2 cents: they've kinda dropped the ball, leave dealerships to improvise, or goof-off...