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February 7, 2004 order in Miami, FL

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by Ptpiz, Feb 7, 2004.

  1. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Date Ordered: February 7, 2004
    Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Headquarter Toyota in Miami, FL
    Timeframe given for delivery: A couple of months (3-4 months)
    Color: Black
    Option Package: Package 9
    Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 7

    I also added the toyoguard package and told my dealer that no matter what I want to get it the way I said. I don't want to compromise and get a silver instead of black, or a package 7 instead of 9. People who do that5 are just TOO desperate (or just rly need a car that minute). I also got teh Toyoguard package just because it sounded really nice. What i really want to know is if teh so called "sound shield" that they install with teh toyoguard package makes a difference. Please email me if anyone has seen/heard the difference. Thanks. Now i just have to stick it out for a few months.... i am SOOO EXCITED!
  2. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    THis sucks. Waiting for my FIRST car is killing me! I was # 7 on teh waiting list when I placed my order, and I am now #4, HOW LONG WILL THIS BE??? I call the dealer almost every other day and I think I am starting to annoy the hell out of him! I just want to get my Prius now. I hear about people who have gotten their's after 1 months being over #20 on the waiting list??? Is my package holding me down? Is this a bad dealer (they are supposed to get the most in S.FL)??? Someone help me! I have even gone already THREE TIMES to test drive and look at a basic model at another dealer. I HAVE PRIUS FEVER! This is even keeping me from doing schoolwork, work, chores, etc. WHAT SHOULD I DO! I NEED MORE PRIUS!
  3. cybele

    cybele New Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles
    I'm a little confused. You've moved up on the dealers list ... it looks like you'll get it far sooner than June, that's sounds very encouraging to me.

    It hasn't even been a month yet and at this rate, it doesn't sound like it'll be much longer. You're halfway there ... Most of us, even those who ordered very early had to wait about three months.

    Take heart. Maybe you can rent a TRAC car for a week to get your fix.
  4. jeffrey

    jeffrey New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    This sounds like it is going quite nicely Pete! You've moved up 3 spots on the waitlist, and its only been 10 days since you ordered the car. This is very fast!! I waited five months for my car, and others have similar stories.

    Take a deep breath, go for a long walk. Cybele has a good idea- perhaps you could rent a TRAC car if there is one available in S FL...

    Hope you continue to move up the list so quickly...

  5. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Well, I called hollywood toyota which is about 20 mins. from my house and they have a demo prius, but they are confused on renting one. I really want to rent a prius, but who would I call for this? 1-800 number?
  6. cybele

    cybele New Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles
    Often rentals are handled through the service department, but I can't be sure since I've never used this type of service before.

    I also noticed on the dealer locator module on the Toyota website they will tell you which dealers have TRAC. You could try submitting it through their online form http://www.toyota.com/dealers/index1.html - just put in the city or your zip and find someplace near you. It says that the Hollywood Toyota dealership has rental cars.
  7. jeffrey

    jeffrey New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Another thought, many (if not all) car rental places are somewhat reluctant to rent to young people- so it might be good if you could get someone over 25 to rent it for you, once you've found one.

    Good luck!

  8. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Well, i just called the dealer (which i do almost every other day in desperation)! They told me that I am now number 2 on the waiting list and the next shipment that comesin is on 3/7/04. This would in theory mean I should be getting my car because teh dealer recieves 3-4 Prii in their shipments. Well, they are getting 4, but none of them are what I ordered. This means that those cars will go to people who have been waiting that are behind me!!! THIS SUCKS! But, the next shipment after this one is on 3/15/04 and I will be number 1 on the waiting list! Does this mean that they MUST give me my car? I am getting really excited because I have a feeling that I am going to get my Prius in MARCH when they told me May or June back when I ordered! Does anyone know how this is going to work?
  9. jeffrey

    jeffrey New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    If you are number 2 then when they next get in cars, you should get your choice after #1 gets his. As I'm sure you've read on this board, however, dealerships are under no real obligation to keep their word.

    Now if they are really getting 3-4 on the 7th, and more on the 15th, they ought to be able to tell you what is coming (my dealer knew mine was on its way a month out). I hate to say it, but it sounds a little fishy to me.

    I think I would visit and talk to the sales manager (not just the salesman). Thats when I started getting the straight scoop (from my honest and honorable dealer). If you are nice about it, it'll probably work a little better also :)

    As to "having to" give you your car, the only "have to" I know of is dying. However, if you're number 2 (and soon 1) you'll get it soon, as long as you'll accept whatever they receive.

    One thing is for sure, you'll love it once you get it :)

    Good luck!
  10. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003

    See, that fascinates me because I've spoken with two dealers and they are completely clueless re exactly "what is coming". They have both made identical claims; they know how many cars they've been allocated but have no idea which color/package combos until the truck actually rolls in.
  11. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    And here I have just the opposite, a dealer at Tysons Corner in VA telling me two weeks ago that it a Black #9 was "on the boat" for me, then early this week that "it hit G status - Ground Status" and was in New Jersey, and now it's 5 days later and I'm still waiting.

    Is it perhaps that some dealers *do* know, perhaps ones closer to the coast? I do not know. I feel inclined to not believe my dealer I'm working with, but the stress of not knowing (and sitting on a $3K downpayment) is rough.
