I've had my Prius for two weeks. Here are a few things I'm really enjoying that I didn't expect... --> the smartstart/entry. the fact that you touch the door to unlock it is just too cool. --> the homelink thing. I thought it was a total waste of money, as this car was not to be in the garage and we don't have computerized lights, etc. But I now that I never need to touch my keys to work my car, it would have just spoiled things if I had to dig them out to get in the house. My car is parked in the driveway but I use the homelink button to open the garage door to go in. No worries about locating or melting the garage door opener, either. --> the fact that you can see what song/artist is playing on many radio stations (though not all). Makes we want to tell the other stations to please broadcast their song titles. --> the little compartment below the stereo system. Perfect size for my ipod and cassette adapter when I want to leave the ipod in the car. --> the way the nav screen looks at night. Very cool. --> the little pocket at the back of the main glove compartment which just fits all the owners manuals so they don't take up space in the compartment itself. --> I really like making calls via bluetooth. Happy Camper indeed!
My favoriates The best feature for me is the SE/SS by far! I am loathing the thought of all the keys I will need when I go back to work! I no longer need a key for the house since my garage is attached. Home Link rocks too! I do use the X-10 system at home, and have one button programed for "All lights off". Just incase I forgot to turn something off. Sitting at a stop light, and have the car perfectly quite! Quite a calming feeling! One cool feature I found is when you are on an interstate, there is another icon available with Nav, ONLY when you are on an interstate. It looks like an intersate symbol, and when you select that display, it splits screens, and you get your map on the left and a listing of the next exits, estimated miles and times, as well as a display of gas, food, lodging, etc. I have found it to be a bit inaccurate, with the POI's, but it is nice to have some estimates on when the next exits are comming. Great for restroom, or snack breaks.
when i filled the windshield washer container it took the whole gallon of store bought cleaner, didn't have a quarter of a bottle left over, like every car i've had. a small thrill.
I really like the alternate display on the NAV system that's only available on a highway. It shows the upcoming three exits, and little "POI" logos for which items of interest are available on that exit (such as gas, lodging, ATM). Great for long trips -- you may know where you are going but need to knew where to make quick stops as needed along the way.