I am picking up my 06 Prius Package #8 White this weekend. I will make sure to have DMV forms with me, but I am sure there is something the dealership can do to make the process easier/quicker - any ideas? thanks
The only thing they could do to speed up the process is to send in the doc to DMV ASAP. Once you send in the HOV application with VIN, the DMV will wait for your licenseplate number to be assigned. Once it does, they will process your application. Your stickers may arrive before your licenseplate does. AFAIK.
Yes, let the dealership know that you want to get your HOV stickers and see if they can expedite sending in the paperwork to the DMV. I sent in my application the day after my purchase, waited about 2 weeks for my check to be cashed, and another 2 weeks before my stickers arrived. Good luck!
Man, I wish I lived in a state where HOV stickers were issued but this state's so backwards I'm surprised they don't have a gas guzzler lane.
Many pf the Toyota Dealerships here in Southern Cal have an employee on site that has the ability to submit DMV information electronically. Mine in Rancho Santa Margarita in OC did. Make sure to ask.
A confession is good for the soul. I have never cheated on driving on the HOV lanes when by myself. However, since I got my Prius and the State of Washington does nothing for people with hybrids. (The State even requires me to get an emission test.) I've started driving in the HOV lanes when it is dark. Am I going to h*** for being so evil? Kathleen
A woman in Arizona is protesting her ticket for driving solo in the HOV lane, using the argument that she was pregnant. I would ask her: If you rode on the bus, would you pay for two tickets? If not, you have no case. Jan