Farewell and Power On!

Discussion in 'Prime Main Forum (2017-2022)' started by Tha_Ape, May 15, 2023.

  1. Tha_Ape

    Tha_Ape Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    Washington, DC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    Welp, it was a fun 12 years of Prius ownership, but I'm selling my Prime tomorrow (sold my Gen3 two years ago). Nothing but love for the community, I just got an offer I couldnt refuse (basically what I paid for the car 4 years ago).

    I may be back later, love the brand and the Prius has been great, but as the generations move on, they get less and less useful (for me). The storage space dropped significantly from my Gen3 to Prius Prime which is somewhat expected because of the large battery, but this new generation has practically transformed the car from a useful hatchback to an econo commuter (which is great if thats what you need it for!). I tried to get in a Rav4Prime back in 2021 since my love of the Prius Prime ran deep, but the dealerships were charging 20% over MSRP.

    I ended up selling the Gen3 and got a full EV SUV (actually more like a station wagon, but that term is passe). So here I was with my EV and Prime, a perfect pair except I want one of my cars (preferably the sedan) to be super fun (ie fast and trackable). So tomorrow Carvana will come and take my Prime away.

    If you're in the market, its in excellent condition, a 2017 with ~45k miles on it. I followed the maintenance schedule (even rotating the tires every 5000mi). I hope whoever gets it appreciates it and cares for it. We had good times together.
  2. Washingtonian

    Washingtonian Senior Member

    May 26, 2017
    Western Washington
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    Thanks for updating us. I think a lot of Prime owners would be interested in what Prime owners are upgrading to. And, if you had to upgrade to level 2 home charging, how difficult (or expensive) was it.