I searched this Forum and the owners manual. My 2017 Prius Prime will arrive in about a month. I am researching L2 charging but was curious how long the actual factory provided L1 charge cable actually is. Current Prime owners? Can you help me out please? Thanks!
25', and I occasionally use a 25' 12-gauge extension when needed! I've had the extension since my 2012 PIP. .
I figure that a full battery charge saves me about a buck's worth of gasoline. An L2 charging station, even when competently self installed, will never pay off. Buy one for philosophical reasons if you wish, not economic reasons.
Ditto above. I've been charging with supplied cord for over 5 years. Sister has a Leaf and a Volt. She charges both with the supplied cords, no L2. Leaf rarely gets driven further than 50 miles due to range anxiety. Thus an over night charge will be enough to full. The Volt gets charged the other half of the day. Works beautifully.
Mr. PT, My L2 charger, installed including parts and labor, cost me $100.!! It has more than paid for itself in the 3 1/2 years that I've had it. Please check your LOCAL agencies for incentives (mine was $1000 cash!) before giving up on L2. I typically charge 2-3 times/day. In Socal, they really encourage electrification of cars!! .
I bought an L2 because LADWP basically paid for the charger and I only had to deal with the install. I overbought and installed a 40A L2. Well, switch over 5 months and my honey just picked up a Chevy Bolt. While the maximum time it took me to charge my Prime is about 1:52 (assuming I didn't use the Cooling function). It can handle her dead flat Bolt in just over 9hrs. So in my case it paid off to plan ahead. If she was to use an L1 charger it would take like 50+ hours to charge.