I test drove a misty gray interior car and found that the color seemed a bit off so I decided to order the car I want in dark gray. I was suppose to get my car today but my dealer is now saying that if I want the car, I have to have it in misty gray interior. Is it worth taking the fabric I don't want or holding out for dark gray? I think I really don't like the misty gray look but am open to others experience/opinion? The other issue is which color interior fabric is better for someone with kids?
I chose to wait for dark grey over the lighter interior. I have two boys and a dog. I had light interior in my last car, and it stressed me out to see it get so dirty. I was more flexible on exterior color than interior color so, might boil down to how important it is to you.
Do a Search on thread titles containing Misty Gray, and you should find several discussions. Here is one started by someone who didn't like it, but you will find other opinions too. I initially ordered Misty Gray, based DW's preferences in the brochure samples, but switched after learning that my region was not ordering any of them. We are both happy with Dark Gray.
I have 3 kids and i'd have gotten black fabric/leather if it is an option. Or get the misty gray now and replace it with dark gray Katzkin leather.
If the color of the outside of the car comes with dark grey interior your dealer can trade with another dealer to get what you want, if he's too lazy or doesn't want to find another dealer. Get what you want your spending alot of money and have to live with your choice for along time. 4 years from now you'll be really glad you got the dark interior.
I waited for the dark gray interior - no regrets. I like it because I don't think it will show dirt/stains as bad. The misty gray's almost white carpeting would've really drove me crazy. My exterior color is light (silver) so dark gray also provides some contrast with the exterior.
Thanks everyone! I talked w/ my dealer again and it looks like she found someone to trade me cars that was willing to take the misty gray! The dark int is def the way to go for me- don't want any regrets! Thanks!!