Tucson tied a heat record yesterday, and Phoenix came close, both at or above 115. I've parked my Prius(s) for the duration, at least til the heat subside below 100. This is my first summer with a classic Prius, do I need to be concerned with the HV battery frying it's poor little heart out in the heat?
Considering the battery is 14 years old, I think you should have a plan in the back of your mind regarding how you will address traction battery replacement - regardless of whether the failure is due to hot weather, thousands of charge/discharge cycles logged over the 14 years, electrolyte leaking, etc. I would say that lack of use is more likely to kill the Classic battery vs. hot weather, though.
Some have guessed that high heat wears the battery faster. But even for a 1st Gen battery, I don't think one hot summer is going to kill a 4-year-old battery (assuming the previous owner was honest).
She is honest. My windshield cracked the day after I originally posted. From the heat and some windex. I'm assuming there was a rock peck involved, too. Oh well, it's only money.
Maybe your auto insurance will cover vehicle glass? For example I have AAA insurance and there is $0 deductible on glass. I've had occasion to take advantage of that for two windshields on the 2004, and the right side rear glass on the XK.
At least some states mandate 0 deductible on windshields. Florida is one. On the battery, sitting in the hot sun would, I think, be worse for it than driving it with the air conditioner keeping it cool. Assuming the A/C can keep up with those temperatures.
No a/c will keep up with it, I think. We do the best we can, but it's just hot. I measured the pavement in front of my house Friday. With a non contact thermometer. It was 145 at 3:30. Probably the windshield was at least that. I don't have comprehensive, so it's up to me to pay for the window. Which I will do when the daily temps fall into the 90's. I've been driving my old Dodge Dakota, which has a heavy duty & robust engine cooling system. And a somewhat better a/c system. I'm driving both Pri's early in the morning to keep the HV batteries happy. We don't have much cold weather here, we pay for the nice winters with our summer weather. So no big complaints, just live with it.
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's not quite as hot here as AZ, but with the humidity, it sure is miserable. I went through three or four shirts yesterday. A couple things seem to have helped lower our car's inside temperature since there is no place in the shade to park. I got one of the custom fit windshield shades from here on the PC store. And I got some window vent covers so I can keep the windows open a little without worrying about rain. I think the inside temperature is about 10° less now, but it's still screaming hot. I may get one of the screens for the back, too. They aren't a fix, but they are an improvement.