As you all know, I'm nuts about my 02 Prius, nicest car I've had in over 50 years of driving. And, I'm thinking of selling it. There are a couple of Highlanders and a Lexus Ex400 on Craigslist in Phoenix. All are awd, and hybrids. I have a jetski that I want to be able to tow to Phoenix (where there's lakes!) and my old, wonderful 1996 Dodge Dakota 4wd, V8 gets about 11 mpg towing. I need something that will pull the ski and trailer out of the water, some of the lakes have shore launch instead of concrete boat ramps. Pretty sure that with a-t tires the Highlander will fit the bill, and know the Lexus would. BTW, my Prius has a trailer hitch, and the trailer & jetski are easily less than 700 lb. Basically I'm having heated arguments with myself. My truck has 256,000 miles, my Prius has 208k. I'm feeling the need to simplify (I also have a Boxster.) And I wouldn't mind a little better gas mileage. But Selling stuff is time consuming and I never seem to get what I'm asking. Easiest course is status quo. Whatcha think?
I guess I answered my own question. I did a mpg comparison for an 06 Highlander hybrid and a regular one with a V6. Neither is that great. My old pickup is a regular dirt dawg and doesn't struggle to pull the trailer along at 70. So I guess I stay with my loafing 5.2 V8, the old fashioned 4wd, and somewhat crappier mileage. Besides which all the Highlanders and ES400s I can find are either not hybrids, or not awd, or just too much money. Kinda wanted that ES400 looked really nice. But no go without awd.