Has anyone here never gotten a speeding ticket? If you have gotten one, how fast were you going, what was the speed limit and what was the fine? Edit - also, what car were you driving at the time?
I have been pulled over a couple times, none in the Prius though. Once I got pulled over for going 82 mph in a 55 mph zone. I didn't get a ticket, the officer was just looking for drunk drivers because it was Labor Day weekend. My second one was going 46 mph in a 35 mph zone. I got a ticket for that one, but was able to do community service without a fine.
Ironically the only time I ever got out of a ticket I was clocked at 95. That's the fastest I've been caught. He said he knows I got on the brakes and was going faster than he caught me. He was right, I was doing 114 when I got on the brakes. I was in my truck, and had my quad in the back heading out for a day trip to the dunes. First and only warning I've had.
No tickets in many years, but then it seems my wild and crazy years are behind me. I've even been pulled over for speeding on my bicycle, for Pete's sake. One warning (so far?) in the Prius, about 3 years ago. The big one was for 163kmh, which by some strange coincidence happened to be the top speed of my motorcycle at the time.
No speeding tickets, ever, and I'm 59. The one and only time I was pulled over and warned, the officer was on foot, and let me go after a tongue-lashing. I was driving back to Cambridge, MA from Wellesley in the late evening, and travelling too fast down the main street of one of the small towns between. The town policeman walked out the door of the combination city hall/police station... and flagged me down. At at wild guess I may have been doing 40 in a 25, or 50 in a 35--something like that.
Never got a ticket in the Prius...but my wife did one of the first times she drove it! She passed a truck that was following a police car...who was going the limit!
It was in a 55 zone. It was the 238 which is a small 2 lane road that is known as a shortcut between the Phoenix area and Gila Bend.
I've had some speeding tickets but your speeds in the poll are over the top. I haven't been booked speeding in non urban areas so I was well under 60mph(100km/h) on suburban streets. Fastest over the limit was 23km/h and that was my first time I was booked, driving a 1969 XW Falcon sedan back in 1979ish. I have since had tickets from 9km/h over to 20km/h over. I had a red Mini for about 3 years which I drove like an idiot everywhere I went, it was also very loud. I was only under 100km/h if I was slowing or accelerating and this was in suburban roads, however I never once got stopped while driving that car.
I've been caught twice: once for doing 80 on the highway (70 mph limit), and once for doing 30 in a 25 mph zone. In both cases I was cruising along keeping up with traffic. All of the times I should have been ticketed I was paying attention and never got caught. As I got older I wised up and no longer speed. Tom
37 years (SHHH I'm not that old just started driving when I was a baby - LOL) of driving with no speeding ticket.
Damn i got one for going 40 in a 25 zone.. Was driving my 03 bmw 325i ... 4-5 Years back... I hope to never get one in my prii...
I got caught doing 79 on a 55 mph highway. He clocked me in an unmarked sedan for a while, then turned on his lights and pulled me over. I was polite, so he reduced it to 69. Cost me $190.00, loss of safe driving credit for 6 years, and a surcharge for 3 yrs. I was driving a '91 Corolla DX at the time. Bought a radar detector shortly thereafter.
Why no choice for never getting a speeding ticket in the poll? I have gotten no tickets for speeding or anything else in driving almost 50 years. Why should that be unusual?
I second what Judy said!!, Although I have not been driving for 50 years, I've been driving for 25 years and I have never even been pulled over before in my life!! The Poll should not assume that everyone has been pulled over and given a speeding ticket..
All but my last speeding ticket were on the freeway, so long ago I don't remember the speeds involved. The last ticket was in 1989, ambushed by an impromptu speed trap in Alameda, where the limit is 25 on all streets throughout the city except where it's 15 in a school zone. I've been very lucky ever since because I've got a heavy lead foot - perhaps my vigilance has finally reached the right stage of alertness because I'm almost never surprised by cruisers I didn't see coming or lurking. There was one time about 25 years ago I should've gotten a "Driving in Stupid Mode" ticket: on a San Jose boulevard I said to my friend "Will you look at all the police cars around - I wonder what's up? Look, there's another one" at the same moment that I made a cruising left turn through a Stop sign right in front of it. "Do you know what you just did!?" my friend cracked up. "See, here he comes!" I pulled over, chagrined. I didn't have a constructive attitude toward traffic cops in those days so when the officer came up I said grimly "Now you know and I know that was a perfectly safe left turn." "Yeah," the cop agreed, "but it was a perfectly UNSAFE Stop." He took my license and disappeared back in his cruiser while my friend indulged in ecstatic shadenfreude: I'd made his whole day. Many many minutes crept by - what was taking that cop so long? Finally he reappeared. "You must have great karma," he said, "I left my citation book at the station and I can't write you up." One act of stupidity redeemed by another! My friend was actually disappointed I'd ducked the ticket.