Hello I've been following this forum for quite some time. Now that I've bought a 2015 Prius PHV I'm testing a lot of nice suggestions that I found here. One that would be very useful to me, since my daily commute has 40 Kms of highway, is the EV-Boost. I've already tried everything, but I cannot put the the car using any battery at around 110 Km/h Are there any differences regarding the EV-Boost mode in different countries? BR, José
What is "EV-Boost"? With EU models, the ICE is always running when going over 85 km/h (about 92 km/h indicated). There's no way around this.
When above 90 Km/h and EV mode, it uses the EV Boost is when you are in EV and go above 100 Km/h. ICE comes on and blend gas with electricity. Take a look at this timelapse:
They're just driving over 60 MPH in EV Mode there, after accelerating in HV mode earlier. Nothing special here. But as I said, the EV threshold on EU cars is 85 km/h, it's not the same as North American cars. It'll be mostly ICE usage at 110 km/h.
Thanks for your input. In my car, if I drive for 50 Km at around 100 Km/h in EV mode the ICE is always working, and it does not use any battery. If I start this with electric 10 Km of battery I still have the same (more or less) at the end. What I can see in the video, and in other posts is that he's beeing able to use the battery even above 100 Km/h. That would be very useful to me since my commute has a lot of highway.
I'm not exactly sure what the conditions are for that happening, but it's possible North American models are configured differently. Even with just the known difference of the EV speed limit being much lower, it may be impossible to replicate this on an EU model (I believe Australian/NZ models are the same).