Was painting interior bath. Knobs off door, but latch still installed. Pushed door to paint behind it and "CLICK." It latched shut. Panic set on for a moment. Family, except for the dogs, were out of town for next four days for father's day. No tools. The only window was out of reach. The dogs just sat outside wagging their tails. Well, on the bright side I did have water, a toilet and a shower, but no towels and no TP. But, wait. I did have one thing. My key ring was in my pocket and the Schlage key for the house entry door fit nicely in the "white square" of the latch. I was free kris
Glad you didn't have to take the toilet apart and use bits from the flushing mechanism! Also glad the pooches didn't have to wait 4 days to get watered and fed.
Canines would have been interesting. They both are 100-pound retrievers. There is a nearby creek so water would not be an issue. Their huntings skills are so-so, but lots of snakes, rabbits and squirrels around, so they may had done fine. Closest neighbor is about a half-mile away and they are trained NOT to bother her, so.. Kris Oh drat skunks around also...