Does anyone know what it means when you get an error 4 on my radio display screen when I plug in my iPhone into the USB port? I have a Prius c 2 with the standard radio unit. When I get the error 4 it will not play any music via the USB connection only over BTA and "error4" flashes anytime I switch back to the iPod mode. Any ideas of what that means?? Wondering if it's the phone or the radio unit.
From the manual: "This indicates that an over current error has occurred." I'll let someone else take it from there...
On the C Three and Four there's a more descriptive message on the display, but basically the USB port is rated at only 500 milliamps, and if you plug in something which draws more than this (like an iPad) you'll get the error. But an iPhone should cause a problem. That said, I do occasionally get the error message when plugging an iPhone 4 into my C Three, but if I try it again it works fine. If the error persists the OP should check with the dealer, as the C should definitely have no trouble running an iPhone.