So I'm wondering who else has experienced this while using Entune Navigation. I'm on my way to pickup the kid from daycare when I hit really bad traffic. I start up the map on Entune and plugin my saved address for the daycare center. It goes to calculate the route only to be told the address is not navigable (WTH?). I made sure that tolls/highways was not selected under avoidance's. I confirmed the address that I have gone to countless times. Everything looks to be in order. The only common anomaly is the fact that I'm in heavy traffic. Does the navigation refuse to route based on the fact that I can't avoid traffic to get to my destination? (On the highway and nearest exit is miles away and heavy traffic on all adjacent roads) Any help or insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I don't know offhand. I purchased my PiP in Nov and was told the software was current. I was not aware of any update since then. Guess it's time to take it to the dealer and get my reverse beep changed to single beep and update Entune! Thanks for the fast reply ftl.
There was an update in May this year, to version 2.2.0. I found the post with the details; it does include the "not navigable" problem.
I just got off the phone with my local dealer and was told they have the Entune update available. So i'll be stopping by this evening to get it updated. They also told me the Nav update (disc) would have to be pre-ordered for $169. I told them I'll try the Entune update 1st.
The Nav update is only to keep the database of roads (somewhat) current - it has no effect on how the logic of navigation works. The Entune update should fix your problem.
So I went to the dealer last evening and had them update my Entune to 2.2 and change the reverse beep to single. Everything worked out without a hitch and no cost to me. So happy with the single beep now! Haven't had a chance to test the Nav but I assume it will address the prior issue. I'll post back if it isn't corrected.