Besides the famous video that's been posted elsewhere before: Along with , which I started another thread on, here's another: I can't believe I hadn't seen the last video until now! Anyway, post your favorite engineering, nerd, geek, etc. humor here.
xkcd (Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors). Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (about 40% of the time it's geeky, 40% of the time philosophical, and 40% of the time about genitalia. That adds up to more than 100% because sometimes it's a combination of two or more of the above).
Thanks to the power of Facebook, a friend of mine posted this awesome response (on the flip side): Since it's gotten 2.9 million views, I guess I must be out of touch of some of the latest memes/viral videos. Yeah, I like xkcd.