Hey all, I've had my 2010 (currently 147k miles) for a couple months now and I'm wondering if this is strange or not. After I've driven the car and turned it off, if I come back to it several minutes later sometimes the engine won't warm up again and sometimes it will. Is this normal? My 2004 never did this even if I was in and out within a few minutes, like stopping by the bank ATM to deposit a check. It always had to warm up again. Tonight on my way home from work I parked and had dinner, and maybe fifteen minutes later I got back into the car and took off without a warm up period.
I know that the gen 2 had rules that were relaxed in gen 3. (You could not get to stage 5 in a gen 2 without coming to a full stop, gen 3 has no such rule) It would not surprise me if Toyota relaxed this rule as well.
I suspect that apparent inconsistency had to do with temperature. Friday was warm where I am (Kentucky this week). Going through the whole warm-up routine when it is already warm seems. wasteful of fuel and battery.