On a 2CV, enthousiasts built a Luggage space enhancement device. see first for Original and next pictures with the device : 2cv.nl :: Bekijk onderwerp - Gespot! Just open the trunk, mount the 'palma trunk' and close it again. Would the same trick be a good idea on the Prius II ? With the 5th door in a horizontal position, one gains a lot of space. You'd still have a rear view through the window below the spoiler. You could even make it with a seperate door flapping down for easy loading. Maybe repeat the license plate light and 3rd brake light. Or maybe it just exist already ...
Well, a few problems: 1 - It's ugly as sin. 2 - The Prius v now exists for those seeking greater cargo space in a Prius. Why cut into your car's body panels when you can just trade up? 3 - Something like this would totally throw off weight distribution and aerodynamics, probably leading to poorer gas mileage. 4 - Anyone who truly needs that much cargo space is probably in the market for a minivan or SUV... not a Prius. My $0.02
1.it's only for travelling, not every day. (taste and colours ...) some find a prius ... well yeah 2.the beauty of it is that you don't have to cut body panels : it's a U shaped insert that closes the openings when the trunk is half open. ( Palma bak 2cv Onderdelen bestellen voor citroen 2cv ami dyane acadiane Diversen ) 3.I agree on that, but an extra 'suitcase' on a bike rack would even be worse on weight distribution, for aerodynamics, I recon it would be better than roof mounted cargo. 4.not really, I have 3 daughters growing up and now drive a station wagon version of a peugeot308 (lot's of space without needing a SUV, I can even transport my quest velomobile (2.8m long recumbent fully faired tricycle) in it. You'd need a very large SUV to do the same a minivan would work better)
i'm thinking a sheet of plywood in the back from behind the front seats to 3 or 4 feet beyond the bumper would act as a cantilever. then just have a tent maker sew up something between the plywood and the open hatch?
hmm, a tent would make a lot of noise ... some composite of wood or aluminium structure is easier to coat with noise damping cloth without the risk on flapping around.
maybe you can design it so it slips into the back so you can close the hatch. what is theirs, molded plastic?