ebay suspended my account! Rated F for F***ing! language!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by TheForce, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    OK this is a little rant to blow off some steam.

    Ebay suspended my my 7 year old 72 %100 feedback account. I only had one neutral feedback. I should tell you this is my one and only ebay account.

    Here is what happened. I got an email saying my account was suspended. Naturally I thought this was a phishing scam. I looked at the email header information and it looked real even down to the links. So I thought what the heck I will log into my account because I haven't logged in to it for a while and I needed to update my favorite searches anyway. So I go there by typing in the URL instead of following the link in the email just to be safe. When I logged in sure enough my account was suspended. :eek: :huh: :angry:

    They said I was suspended because my account was associated to another account and listed it on the screen. I knew I could not be associated to any accounts because I only have the one. This account had nothing but bad feedback and hasn't been active since 2005. So I emailed them to explain how I am linked to this account. They replied back with more accounts I was associated with. Then it hit me. The other accounts gave it away on how I was "associated". All the accounts listed were my older brothers account. He sucks at ebay! Nothing but negative feedback for unpaid items on all the accounts. I knew he bought some stuff and had it sent to the same address I'm at because where he lives packages can get stolen or loose dogs will tear them up. So my brother has my address for his account plus he is a dead beat bidder. This is my only association with those accounts. Well that and he is my older brother.

    So I sent them a letter back stating that this was my older brother and I had no control on what he does on ebay. I also asked them to reactivate my account since I'm a different person and I have a perfect long record with them. They replied back saying "I'm pleased to tell you that your accounts had been reinstated. You now have full access to eBay.". The only problem was that they reinstated my brothers dead beat accounts! :angry: So I sent them an email back saying hold the f**k up! Those are not my accounts! My account is XXXXXXX and the ones you reinstated are my brothers accounts! Please reinstate my account XXXXXXX.

    The next email I received stated "The email address that you wrote to us from is different from the email
    address that we have on file for this account.", "If you can't contact us from the email address registered to this account, please send us an email with the following information:". So I tell them that I cant email from the address I have on file because its a forward only email I use with my domain so I can control spam. I kindly sent them the requested information.

    Next email I receive said "I understand your concern. However, our records don't show a suspended
    or blocked eBay account on file for the email address that you wrote from.". This got me so f**king pissed because I just sent them the information they requested! :angry: So at this point I know I'm going to get the run around and I will never get my account back so I send them another email back saying...

    "No s**t you did not find an account from the address I replied from! I explained to you that the email address I use for ebay is a forward only address! I CANT REPLY DIRECTLY FROM THAT ADDRESS! The address I'm reply to you from is where all my mail gets sent to! You even asked for my information to verify the account! I sent you the correct information for the account XXXXXXX! You know what? Just f**k THIS! I've had it! You go and suspend my perfect account because of what my brother did with those other accounts. I paid for every item I bought and shipped every item I sold! I don't need this s**t! I'll take my business else where! I will be posting my experience with this run around bullshit on the web. Delete all the f**king accounts you like!"

    With that I got a survey to fill out on my experience with support. You can bet you nice person I marked everything as low as I could!

    A short time later I got another email saying "I understand you feel we have been unfair in upholding this suspension, and we take your complaint very seriously. I have reviewed your situation again, and it has been decided that this account will remain closed.". Review my situation again? Remain closed? f**k! Whats there to review? Two different people! Two different accounts! Well my brother had quite a few but I only had one! And f**k it was my brother that f**ked up not me! Why should I get suspended for my brothers f**kups? My only association with my brother is well HE IS MY f**kING BROTHER! Thats it! So my reply was...

    "Yeah no s**t its unfair! Those accounts were my brothers f**kING accounts not mine! I had a perfect record! I don't control what my idiot older brother does! Like I said before this is f**kING BULLSHIT! Go f**k yourself ebay!

    With that I disabled my ebay email address on my domain. I'm still wanting to delete my paypal account but haven't decided if I should keep it as there is nothing else like it out there that I know of.

    Ebay I know does not care for the users that don't bring them in much money. I probably bought about 100 things and sold less than 50 things but I liked them because it was easy to get rid of crap I did not want anymore plus you can get hard to find items. I think what they did to me was bullshit. They should have just suspended my brother and not made me an "associate".

    Now I'm going to have to find a way to buy hard to find items without ebay finding out who I am.

    The End!

    ebay sucks! :angry:
  2. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Now...what are you going to do with your brother? Seems it's all his fault. How did your account get "associated" with him in the first place? Did he use your account or does he know your password? Do you share e-mail addresses?
  3. MarkMN

    MarkMN New Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    Downtown Minneapolis
    2007 Prius
    Ebay does suck. I stopped using it a couple years ago.
    1. Ebay, the company, doesn't give a crap about the people buying and selling stuff, yet they collect a wide swath of fees from every transaction. They charge and collect increasing amounts of fees when all they do is 'host' the transaction. Every issue from payment to complaints is between buyer and seller. So you pay Ebay, when Ebay wants no responsibility or oversight of the transaction. There are lots of sites that 'host' selling for free, though none I have found are as pretty and eye catching as ebay.
    2. Ebay allows for buyers to be rated; now some people like this so that buyers behave, but what it allows is retaliation ratings; therefore the seller can slap a negative on a buyer if the buyer gives the seller a negative (even though they might deserve it). Consequently, sellers have leverage over their own rankings, and several mediocre sellers play the ratings dance very well.
    3. Ebay makes up rules on the whim. For instance, only 'experienced' sellers (by their made up definition of so many sells within so many days with XX% positive) could make a sell on the iphone, or Wii, or other hot item when it is released. So I can't stand in line, buy something I can't really afford and ship and sell it for a huge profit on ebay, but the people who sell items on ebay often can -- it must be a nice perk to be able to make a 500% gain on an item within a day. This isn't that big of a deal, but it pisses me off that I can't do they same thing others can just because I don't get suckered into using them as a marketplace on a regular basis. (These instances are the only time they seem to have selling rules such as posting pictures of the sale receipt, etc.).

    So, your story doesn't surprise me. Ebay doesn't care about you, they are busy collecting fees from transactions that cost them nothing to host (well, near nothing to host). Why should they personally invest in your situation??
  4. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    What a drag.

    Is there any way to write a letter, or call them directly? Maybe you can find the right person to click the little box on their computer screen that says, "reinstate" and finally be done with it.

    Oh, and they have to be paying enough attention to reinstate the correct account, too...

    This *is* becoming difficult!
  5. PA

    PA Member

    Aug 9, 2006
    Raleigh, NC
    2019 Prius
    Buy your brother a one-way ticket and use his accounts. :)

    Yes, unfortunately ebay's customer service sucks. Their fee-collection department works like a precision-tuned machine, though. Sorry to hear about it.
  6. Stev0

    Stev0 Honorary Hong Kong Cavalier

    Sep 23, 2006
    Northampton, MA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Base
  7. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Try as I might, even considering the fact that we've met, I simply
    cannot come up with any sympathy. Plug "ebay sucks" into any search
    engine and read the THOUSANDS of horror stories.
    I will never deal with the ebay/paypal cartel, period, no matter how
    many other people try to tell me "no, it's great, it's perfectly
    safe, I use it all the time".
  8. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    I don't know what to do about my brother. I'm so pissed I haven't told him yet.

    I wont be writing a letter to ebay because if I do it will have so many F bombs it would fill a ream of paper. And thats double sided prints!

    I'm guessing I'm associated because my brother used my address to ship items to me. I was OK with that part because my brother lives out in the boonies where you can get your package stolen or have it destroyed by the red neck neighbors loose dogs. It still should not matter. Its two different people. I'm sure there is lots of people that share the same address for different accounts. Maybe they all live in the same house? If two people have the same address the one person should not be held responsible for the others doings.

    Hobbit I know all about the stories of ebay and paypal. I'm one of those people that never had a problem with either until now. In fact I was very happy with ebay and paypal. I do agree that ebay has gone WAY down hill since I first signed up but it still was a good site even today to just get rid of crap I could not get rid of in a yard sale. Yes ebay charges out the nice person for listing fees but I gladly paid them even when I may have only made a few dollars off a big sale.

    Getting rid of paypal will be the hardest for me. I love it because of the ease of use and quick money transfers. I have the business or money market thing or what ever you call it. I earn interest when I leave money in paypal but they also charge a transaction fee when receiving money. I don't mind it.

    I still want my ebay account because I still find hard to find items only on ebay.
  9. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Get your brother to take your address, e-mail everything off of his account. He can get a P.O. box or take his chances with his packages being delievered. Tough.

    Open another account. 72 items is nothing. Start over. Use a different e-mail. Get a P.O. box.

    You don't have to give up Paypal. I have Paypal e-mail separate from eBay so there is no way for people to pay me with a credit card. I have a personal account and will NOT upgrade because of the fees. Ebay changed their policy so if you use Paypal you have to accept credit cards. So when I sell it's check or money order. I will send them a money request through Paypal because then I can deny credit cards. The nice thing I like about Paypal is that there are other places I can use it. I can pay for used books on ABEbooks using Paypal. I've shopped at other internet sites and had the option of using Paypal instead of a credit card. Very convenient.

    When it comes to selling or buying using an online auction, unfortunately eBay is the leader with the most recognition and the highest traffic.

    If I were you I'd still ream your brother a new one for the aggravation and inconvenience.
  10. reverai

    reverai New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    Alexandria, VA
    2008 Prius
    Re: ebay suspended my account! Rated F for F***ing! language!

  11. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    This is a 2 year old thread folks.
  12. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    Re: ebay suspended my account! Rated F for F***ing! language!


    I tried to call them but they just blew me off because I'm not a power seller. I could not even get a manager. I said F*** OFF to ebay and haven't been back since. I have stopped using paypal also unless there is no way around it.
  13. reverai

    reverai New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    Alexandria, VA
    2008 Prius
    Re: ebay suspended my account! Rated F for F***ing! language!

  14. Sandy

    Sandy Hippi Chick

    Apr 28, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Sorry to say ebay and paypalsuck you are at their mercy, i have 100% fedback and a powerseller however, I do not ship till the money is tranfered and removed from my bank account way to many times its fraud.

    I will no longer use them soon
  15. radioprius1

    radioprius1 Climate Conspirisist

    Aug 13, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I hate PayPal. I sold some audio electronics on there a while back. The guy who bought it from me screwed it up while installing it, then filed a complaint with PayPal saying I sent him a bad piece of equipment (even after he left me good feedback, etc), so my counter-argument was this huge piece of text I wrote detailing at least 8 reasons that demonstrated the equipment was good when I sold it to him. Short story: PayPal found in his favor, they took the money from my account ($150) and he sent the now-fried piece of equipment back to me. So I lost money and my equipment. Thanks PayPal!
  16. Stev0

    Stev0 Honorary Hong Kong Cavalier

    Sep 23, 2006
    Northampton, MA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Base
    I like Paypal, but I only use it as a sender, I've never tried it as a sendee.
  17. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    occasionally, i may buy something from e-bay (well actually not me. last purchase on e-bay was 2004, but others in house have purchased kids clothes at a very good price just about every few weeks)

    but as far as selling. tried to just look into a few years back. too much of a hassle.
  18. donee

    donee New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Hi Force,

    I used to be very active on Ebay, but their poorly run rating system just turned me off to them. If a seller does not have 99.5% or better I just do not buy from them, and I only buy stuff on there that is not readily available around here any longer. And those percentages are hard and fast with me. Everytime I have had problems, its been a 98 or 98.5 % satisfaction seller. The sellers are just getting away with murder on EBAY. The ratings system is a rigged game in my opinion. You cannot complain about screwups after a certain time, or retract comments if a situation is resolved. Its just lousy.
  19. Stev0

    Stev0 Honorary Hong Kong Cavalier

    Sep 23, 2006
    Northampton, MA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Base
    Huh. I just got an email from Paypal saying they were going to close my account unless I "reinstateded" (sic) it. This must have been very serious, because they were in such a rush to tell me they didn't have time to correct numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes. Also, they must be going through tough times because apparently they're trying to save money by being hosted on some Russian server. But they do have my security in mind, because they wanted EVERYTHING - not just Social Security number and mother's maiden name, but all my credit and debit card numbers, security codes, and PINs where applicable. Of course I gave them all the information because I don't want my account closed, but in afterthought, something about it made me a bit suspicious. But I'm probably just being paranoid.
  20. Sandy

    Sandy Hippi Chick

    Apr 28, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Re: ebay suspended my account! Rated F for F***ing! language!

    and you cant give negatives to dead beat bidders!