I was wondering if it was possible to take my navigation DVD and make a copy of it but replace the Toyota splash screen with a good looking image of myself gazing into a setting sun. I think that would be cooler. Every time I would start up my car and see myself on the screen, I'd know it's "go time". Surely there is someone out there that has been able to copy the DVD to do this. Anyone?
Looked at the DVD file system and it appears that there is not a jpg file related to the startup screen. It must be part of the firmware in the Nav unit instead of on the DVD disk. Just my $0.02. Could be wrong.
I'm not sure I would want a picture of myself. My Prius' name is 'Narwhal', so I would want a pic of a whale...... yes, the 2010 prius looks like a Narwhal IMO. Does your car have a theme song? Here's mine- Narwhals
I guess my car's theme song would be The Rockford Files theme as sung by Peter Griffin as a siren. youtube.com/watch?v=E0uOkecauno&feature=related Sorry, can't post links yet. Might have to www in front of that. If no JPEG, PNG, or GIF file on the DVD, all hope is lost.