Hello, What do you guys think about this bad boy right here? sauce: 【Rakuten Ichiba】New ZVW52-PRIUS-PHV-AERO-BONNET Ducks Garden FRP Aero Bonnet, Prius: Pedals, Aero Dax Garden extra sauce: ZVW52 Prius PHV GR SPORT Only Lear Under Spoiler 01 Dax Garden Aero Parts DUCKS GARDEN (ducks-garden.co.jp)
No need to be sorry. Haha I'll take that adjective. On a temperature scale, one person's cold can be another organisms hot. The universe is on a Kelvin scale where the positive end can be millions of degree Kelvin! So hideous ain't that bad for a Prius yah know?
looks like it's decked out for nascar. taste is personal, but it doesn't look any worse than stock to me, and better in some ways.