Switch out the Temp up/down buttons on steering wheel ... make them ECO and PWR mode in 3rd gen .... and EV / HV or PWR in Plug-in ?? (leave EV button on dash in regular Prius, not very useful, but place on wheel in PiP) I say yes, for sure! I'm forgetting about the darn things ... laying to the right of the shifter. I hear some PiP driver's would really like the EV / drive mode button(s) on the steering wheel. I heard they need to switch to EV and back into HV. How often adjust temp on steering wheel? Not much here. Maybe the mode buttons could be like paddle shifter or just two buttons on face of steering wheel. whatchya thinkin ?
My steering wheel doesn't have fan speed buttons--but does have temp up/down buttons, which I do use periodically and find convenient. And I can't remember the last time I used the driving mode buttons, so wouldn't want them on the steering wheel.
You're right, they are temp up/down buttons. I'll be trying out the PWR mode button for a while. When I used to rent 3rd gen over and over, i drove in PWR mode most of the time and racked up good MPGs, like 55 on gage always. I'll see if get a couple more MPGs with usual driving. My thinking is PWR mode might cause me to get up to speed faster, and I heard up to speed quickly then cruise is best for MPGs. Little over halfway thru tank, will see if MPGs climb more. Went from 51.1 to 51.4 this morning.
I used temp up and down quite often, as that's the way to adjust fan speed when in auto. I drive in Normal exclusively and use the power mode only when in a hurry.
Ok, the temp buttons are on right side of steering wheel AND left side of climate control area, 6 inches apart. Seems dupe and could be better. Don't know how much will be using PWR button yet.
I'm thinking if the PWR and ECO buttons were on steering wheel, would not have dupes on center console. Maybe just EV button on console.