A doppelgänger is a double of a living person, sometimes portrayed as a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon. One would think that a prime is, by definition, the first one and thus unique among others. But, my mathematician friends tell me that there can be multiple primes. That is, primes of primes: So, there are double primes and triple primes.... and maybe even doppelgänger primes. Of course, doppelgänger primes might come in any color, including Hypersonic Red. And it appears that such is the case when looking at the current list of primes on the ECO dashboard: Yes, there appears to be two of them, one ranked 44th and the other 77th. (Could the double digits be another bizarre connection to this whole doppelgänger thing?) This implies any Prime may not be unique -- and that I may not be me, just my own doppelgänger. This is very disquieting. Can it be that I have only one sheep and that the other is a doppelgänger? Baahhhhhhh.
OK... just to be serious for a minute: My original post was meant as humor, but the implicit question is more serious: does each Prime have a unique name? Clearly, the name assigned by Toyota (such as Prime12345) is unique. But once an owner renames his Prime, does it have to be unique? In the example, the question arises: how does the owner of "Hypersonic Prime" know which vehicle is his/hers in the statistical data? Or is it like the clever (but less-than-ethical) fellow who, before giving his name at a restaurant, would peer at the maître d's list and give the same name as someone else further up on the list with a better place in line?