Paint wore off at edge of door sill. At this rate I'll be like Fred Flintstone just after warranty runs out. Funny, my other much older used cars don't have this issue. I've got big feet but still. "Door Sill Protectors" even address this because it seems like they "protect" the top but not edge where wear is happening. And $180?!?! LOL. Toyota Prius Illuminated Door Sills - PT94247161 | Salinas Toyota, Salinas CA Maybe if "Illuminated" also including some extra Security door sensor AND totally lit up the ground for 30ft around the car when opened. Should I just apply a few layers of 2" wide clear packing tape and replace as needed? Don't they sell "cut to fit" about 1/16" thick clear material with the right type of self stick backing so will stick to car paint and not come off for 10yrs....and take fairly sharp 90deg needed for sill edge? I can't be only person with this issue.
Yeah why the eff door sills are optional, and illuminated, and a boatload of $’s, is something to ponder. ours came with the goofy things, I recall swinging a front door open, thinking “ that’s nice, I guess…”. I assumed they’d come standard on our 2010 CDN touring. Looking through the brochure recently I see nope, optional. Our “new” car had languished on the (indoor) lot, likely for at least 15 months. Maybe someone ordered the sale, then deal fell through. Anyway, no extras on the invoice.