Anyone know where to mail order door edge guard? Not the body side molding. I went to autozone today and they only carry black color door edge guard. I need white color to match my white Prius05.
There are clear ones, but they popped off my door edge, and I don't want to bind them with glue, lest they take paint with them next time. Still looking for a good one...
ok.. Maybe I will put the door molding guard instead of the door edge guard. Maybe last longer and protect the door better.
I am on my way out so cannot look up to help, but I saw a discussion 2 hours ago on "mouldings" , do a search. i think it included a name to buy from. (Bell)? I am on another post for months waiting for a group buy, may search there too. Just found it, Post to it to keep it active, good luck!! Craig Sedona, AZ
I got the black ones for my 05 black... but I don't know if they make white ones. Like KTPhil said, they make clear ones but I've seen those discolor easily. You might think about getting some film protectant instead (like a ClearBra for your door edges) if you don't want it to be conspicuous.
The clear door edge will not look good because I think the water will get in between and see dirty easily.