Thank you for taking the time to visit this post. My wife & I are currently trying to afford adoption and are asking for your help. After 4 miscarriages with the last one that happened when we were in Disney, we have decided to adopt. We have been through IVF which unfortunately also ended the same. In order to help with affording the adoption, I have put together a collection of works that can be had for a small donation. 1) For a $5 donation, I put a book together myself call "More Miles per Dollar". This is a collection of works that cover hypermiling techniques, alternative fuels, fuel blending and modifications that can be done to a vehicle that will pay for itself. The rest are Prius information that I've collected. 2) 2006 Prius Voice commands $3 donation 3) Prius II Fuel Efficiency reference guide that outlines how to get the best fuel efficiency from the Prius; $3 donation 4) A list of customizable options on a Prius II; $3 donation 5) A Prius II User Guide; $3 donation 6) Prius II voice command quick list; $1 donation 7) The stages of warm up for the Prius II; $1 donation 8) We also have available an Cookbook full of restaurant recipes like: Applebee’s Oriental Chicken Salad, Ben & Jerry’s NY Super Fudge Chuck, McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich, etc for a $5 donation. To make a donation & receive any/all of the items listed above, please e-mail us at [email protected] with the title of Donation. Please list all of the items that you list to receive and the amount you would like to donate. We will send you a payment request through PayPal. Upon receipt of payment we will e-mail you the PDF files of your choosing. Thank you again for supporting us in our dream to have a child by helping us come up with the $20,000+ required for adoption. With great appreciation and thanks, Jeff & Cheryl