Hello everyone, I have been accepted to military flight training, and I need to tow a small trailer for my belongings. Would anyone be willing to let me borrow their hitch? I know it's a tall order for the internet, but I can provide you with my name and chain of command in order to alleviate any concerns about me getting all scammy. I've been a member here on PC for a while so you can feel free to go through my post history to assess my character. I will pay for shipping to and from me. If the hitch is damaged or lost I will reimburse you. Just need it once, no need for me to buy one! Thank you!
Buy one off of Amazon and get free shipping? If you need one once, you'll probably regret not having one later. You'll have the option of putting a hitch mounted bike rack, or carrier on later too later on.
Thanks for the tip; I'm actually going to be selling the Prius soon and this is the only time it's going to tow anything. It's not worth spending the money for one, I'd rather just borrow someone else's.
Where do you live? You can borrow mine if you'd come and get it, but I don't really want to remove it and ship it. It only cost about $100 a few years ago, and shipping both ways would probably be half that. (And removal and installation isn't getting any easier as I enter my seventh decade.)
I see; I'm in Florida and moving within the state. So that isn't going to work but I appreciate the offer. What I'll do is just buy a used one from eBay and resell it when I'm done. Might even make a small profit. Thank you everyone for your advice and help though!
I'm in Port Saint Lucie with a hitch on my car and would be willing to help. I also have a 4x8 trailer with sides that I've used to go to NY twice.
This is one strange post. Are you really asking someone to go out of their way to remove their installed hitch, take the time to pack and ship it to you and hope that you will return it so they can take the time again to reinstall it so you can save few bucks?
yea..just bizarre. go rent a uhaul, what a ridiculous plot to save $20 and waste a couple afternoons time for 2 people.