I have been contemplating Wet Okole seat covers for some time now. Yes, I know they're expensive but I'm doing my patriotic duty and spending my Economic Stimulus Rebate check. I was wondering how long it takes for the neoprene smell to go away? And does it completely go away or you can still smell it but you've gotten used to it? Thanks.
Check out this thread, someone just mentioned that they were happy with their neoprene covers, maybe you could message them or add on to that thread. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/17823-coverking-seat-covers.html
What are you talking about? I'm very sensitive to smells and the Wet Okole's better not smell at all for the money I spent. What moron told you they smell? There excellent a year later:
I've had mine for quite a while now, and I think that there is still a subtle smell of neoprene. The last person who was in my car mentioned that it smelled like a new car smell. Wet Okole sell a 'seat shampoo' and and 'odor eliminator' that do a pretty good job of freshening up the seat covers.