Eco-TV host, fashion model and fabric-sourcing entrepreneur Summer Rayne Oakes is the namesake of the Prius C color known as Summer Rain. I'm friends with her and have been forwarding her some of the funnier comments on here about how in love with the color and how hard of a time people are having finding one. Well, she got back to me and shared the reply she got from Toyota... She sounds like she's willing to go to bat for y'all to try and pull some VIP strings to help you get your Prius C in her color. So if you want to message me your contact info and the exact model car you're trying to get in her color I'll pass it along to her! Here's the reply she sent me last night: Here's what Toyota says: "Been meaning to say hi. Was in a focus group a couple weeks back with a woman who worked in efficient construction. Cool lady, but tough, frumpy exterior. She said she waited 3 weeks for her Prius c in Summer Rain because it made her feel cute when she was in it, and otherwise didn't get a chance to feel cute during the day. It totally made my day and highlighted what we've heard a lot about the importance of color on this car. Which gets to your friend's point - the car as a whole is in short supply, so when you're looking for a specific color, it presents a bit of a distribution challenge. On top of that, Summer Rain is the fastest selling color in the palette." So..... let me know if you need help setting up a sale with a dealer if you really want that color. Or if you have it all squared away, then that's fine. Just want to make sure. Sum
Here's a bit more info: Toyota designs the Prius C…for Summer Rayne Oakes – Summer Rayne Oakes The irony is of course the fact that she has no driver license and doesn't own a car, nor does she want to!