Where's the poll? Are you looking for a bunch of yes/no responses? NO! When my nieces and nephews were growing up, I told them, “If you hit me, I hit back harder.†One niece did it three or four times in a row, then stopped when she realized she was not going to get her way, and that it would soon get painful and her parents were only going to watch and not come to her rescue. That was the last time she hit. Did I warp her for life? Did she turn out to be a mass murderer? Or, did she learn a valuable lesson that hitting out of anger and not as a defense is not right.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jul 19 2006, 08:43 AM) [snapback]288696[/snapback]</div> Ok, I hope this thread can stay on subject! Although I am a staunch supporter of Israel, and I'll admit that growing up here limits what I actually know...Yes, I think that their response is disproportionate (or at least, ineffective). I feel that Israel has been "tricked" into this fight by Iran and Syria...with the hopes that Israel will come out looking like the bully. I do believe that Hezbollah needs to be dealt with, just as Hamas does, and just as the Taliban did. However, I just do not see that what Israel is doing will lead to that. I fear that they are getting themselves in a similar situation that we face in Iraq, where there will be no easy way to stop the fighting. It just is not a good thing when you have to bomb civilian areas to get at the few radicals within that area. I think this will, in the end, create even more radicals, and build even stronger support for Hezbollah or groups like them. Is there a better way...I certainly hope so...ideas anyone? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Jul 19 2006, 08:56 AM) [snapback]288709[/snapback]</div> I agree with you that this is exactly what Israel tries to do. However, your niece was able to learn from your lesson because your values and beliefs are the same. When you believe that getting "hit" is an honorable thing, and that if you get "hit" in the name of your GOD you go to paradise with your virgins...that lesson never gets learned, no matter how many times you try to teach it. Don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for these terrorists and I really wish Israel could squash them all, once and for all...but I don't think it is possible.
Yes. Because had it been ME in charge, I would have leveled everything in my path with the most egregious weapons at my disposal... But, I am not in charge, don't have to suffer the results, and can only imagine...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mssmith95 @ Jul 19 2006, 12:01 PM) [snapback]288710[/snapback]</div> I will respectfully disagree with most of your post. Israel was not tricked into this current conflict. Iran had to divert attention from its nuke program and the best and only safe way was to ignite this tinder box. They knew Israel would have to respond. The effectiveness of their response will NOT be known for at least a year. Their plan is briliant - destroy Hezbollah which should have been done by UN resoltion 1559 (remember that one). Let the Lebonese Army build up and control the south - like it was supposed to under 1559 - they will stay there and help them do that -- the Lebonese want that done too by the way. How does Hezbollah survive if it can not resupply itself? If it has no room to operate? If it can not train new blood? Anyhow - this is a different topic. What type of response should Israel have used in your opinion?? I would love to know - seriously.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wstander @ Jul 19 2006, 12:14 PM) [snapback]288722[/snapback]</div> You could argue that Israel could be using more strength and could be bombing all of Beirut into oblivian if they wanted to. I would bet they are using less than 10% of their potential strength at this time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jul 19 2006, 10:52 AM) [snapback]288810[/snapback]</div> I was being tongue in cheek; obviously I did not do that very well, so I will stay in my day job B) Anyway, I do concur that Israel is only flexing a small amount of their total power and is actually quite restrained given what and who surrounds them. I note in the news that yet another IDF soldier has be abducted...
I know that making parallels is problematic. No two situations are identical. But I consider the Israeli response to Hamas' political and military arms in comparison to the British response to the Siin Fein and IRA. The IRA committed many grievous actions, including the killing of Lord Mountbatten. But the British government did not arrest elected Siin Fein political representatives as Israel did with Hamas politicians after the capture of an Israeli soldier. In the past, Israel's Mossad was understood to be extraordinarily effective in surgical actions to eliminate threats. I see from the CNN website that 29 Israeli casualties are reported with 15 of those being civilians and 14 military. In comparison, CNN reports 11 Lebanese military casualties and 289 civilian casualties. It appears that the modern surgeon's skill has been replaced by ancient bloodletting this time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Smooth Operator @ Jul 19 2006, 02:55 PM) [snapback]288860[/snapback]</div> I would posit that your comparison is faulty on many fronts I would also posit that the number of casualties you list as EVIDENCE of a minor response by Israel with maximum attention being paid to spare innocent civilians injury and death. Given the FACT that Hezbollah lives and operates AMOUNGST the civilian population to employ them as a shield - that there are hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians where they are shooting their missiles from - less than a few hundred casualties after 8 days of conflict is very very small. Israel could, if it wanted to, FLATTEN Beirut in a short matter of time. What would you suggest Israel do given the facts up to 8 days ago?? Very interested in your response. Thanks
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jul 19 2006, 08:43 AM) [snapback]288696[/snapback]</div> So far, no.
I think it is out of proportion. Isreal should be responding about 25x this level so that the next jackhole that wants a piece of them can have a look at what is available. If I have terrorists working in my backyard and I stay silent to harbor them, I won't be surprised when our entire block is blown up by the airforce as they seek to eliminate the threat. Does anyone here think the gorillia rebels could launch 20 mile range rockets from the roof of your house without you knowing they were there? I think you hear that... the ground shakes... In fact, I think the civilians know these weapons are in the area. Note to self, in the future when they move in a 20 foot long rocket, I need to get away from here because Isreal is going to bomb this place to destroy that rocket. But, that note is for next time. For this time, I am dead... oops.. If you're with the terrorists, stay with them, die with them. If you're not with them, get away from them... perhaps even make a phone call and report where they are at, it will help. In either case, the bombs are incoming, duck.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Jul 19 2006, 03:34 PM) [snapback]288873[/snapback]</div> I agree with you. And I think we are not aware of Israel's full response at this time. I personally think a lesson should be taught. After withdrawing from southern lebanon for nothing in return except UN resolution 1559 (disarm hezbollah and Lebanese army to control) and getting nothing but rockets shot at you, your soldiers murdered and kidnapped (acts of war by the way) I would at this time take the gloves off and show them what they are going to get each and every time they do something stupid.
Great Op-Ed piece in the Los Angeles Times by Israeli novelist and essayist Amos Oz, one of the leading figures of Peace Now movement:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Jul 19 2006, 03:49 PM) [snapback]288889[/snapback]</div> EXCELLENT PIECE! I think this reflects Israeli popular support for this war. Israel should take this OPPORTUNITY (horrible to look at it this way isn't it?) to FINISH OFF Hezbollah once and forever - PERIOD. If this means chasing them down on the ground - so be it. The allignment of the stars here is a first and may not happen again. Israel has the green light to do it - and they must. Anything less would be disasterous.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jul 19 2006, 01:03 PM) [snapback]288894[/snapback]</div> Now, if only Jordan and the legitimate government of Lebanon would truly assist, instead of the usual_____.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wstander @ Jul 19 2006, 04:06 PM) [snapback]288895[/snapback]</div> Jordan can not get involved for numerous reasons including geography. The Lebanese govt will get involved once it is free to - soon enough they will be occupying the southern portion of their country - but it will take them a while to build up enough force to do it alone. My hope is that Israel uses this opportunity to AT&T Syria and Iran. I would not be surprised if something happens along those lines. My guess is that they are lining Saudi Arabia up to pick up the financial and oil ssupport Iran is currently supplying Syria and efforts are underway to topple Assad Jr. He rules by a hair currently - would not take much to take him out. We have two years b4 the current values in this equation are potentially jumbled - I am sure things will be settled by then.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jul 19 2006, 12:11 PM) [snapback]288864[/snapback]</div> Having read a number of your postings on this board, I'm sorry, but I'm not convinced that you are interested in other people's views except as a vehicle to advance your own views.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Smooth Operator @ Jul 19 2006, 01:39 PM) [snapback]288911[/snapback]</div> But that probably describes ALL posters, doesn't it? The subject of this thread IS timely vis-a-vis the headlines in the MSM.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jul 19 2006, 09:32 AM) [snapback]288732[/snapback]</div> I just do not see Israel being able to destroy Hezbollah...or whatever they may call themselves the next time around. It is just not as simple as you make it sound. How can you destroy people who "melt" into the normal poplulation? Hezbollah are scum to us, but they have done a lot of humanitarian things in Lebanon to win over the people. They can just disappear for now, and then reappear 6 months from now. What proof do you have the the Lebanese people want them out? When I watch interviews, they are saying the contrary...that they are the "protectors" of Lebanon. The Lebanese military will not fight them, as many of them share the same beliefs. They have said, that if forced to fight them, as many as 70% of them might defect or just refuse to fight. Israel has every right to attack, and I can't say that I am not happy they did, because I certaintly do not mind them attempting to blast the heck out of Hezbollah. I just think that this is a very dirty way to try to do it. Imagine if the police here were allowed to shoot through your house to get to a killer in the next house...only you were home. Would the response of the police be correct? Yes, getting the killer is important, as he may kill more people...but going through you in the process would not be too much fun for you and would not be allowed to happen here. Why did Israel no attempt to "take out" the leaders of Hezbollah in targeted attacks as they have before with other groups? You are right, this is all going to take some time, and you may very well end up being right about the response. I agree they had to do something...and do it big. I just do not know if the outcome will be a complete victory or just another stalemate. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Smooth Operator @ Jul 19 2006, 01:39 PM) [snapback]288911[/snapback]</div> C'mon now, this is what happened on the other thread...let's leave personal attacks alone! If you disagree with him, then you can always ignore his postings...or you can argue your point.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Smooth Operator @ Jul 19 2006, 04:39 PM) [snapback]288911[/snapback]</div> give me a try. i would like to see your solution to this problem from Israel's perspective.