What happens when the display shows no arrows at all and I'm still maintaining a constant speed with my foot still on the go pedal? The gas appears to be off at this point and all arrows are essentially gone/grayed out but wheels are spinning.
I guess you're pressing the accelerator just enough to prevent regenerative braking (green arrows), but not enough to supply power to the wheels (orange arrows). I can easily get into that "in-between" state going down hill. With my foot off the accelerator, I get green arrows. If I press down I get orange arrows. But if I press lightly I can reach that "in-between" state where there are no arrows. Maybe someone with a CAN View has achieved a better insight into this...
Paul's assessment is accurate. We commonly call that condition a 'glide'...just enough accelerator pressure to negate the normal regenerative 'drag', but not enough to cause the MG2 to propel the car (much) nor to force the ICE to kick on. You'll usually only see this when going less than 42mph, but it can, rarely, be accomplished at higher speeds. I've decided it's not worth the effort. Basicly, when you're pulling less than 7 amps from the battery it will show no battery arrow. And when you're regen is less than 0 you show no regen arrow.
I get into that area a lot. Yet not all those times show that I am not using fuel. Many times it shows I am getting like 75mpg, so I know the engine is running yet I am getting no energy or arrows from it. Strange.
That's 'Nervana' . . . the sweet spot . . . where carma & harmony meet This is the zone that all true prius nerds seek to remain in, as long as possible, but possibly can't.
I believe that condition has also been referenced as "dead banding." Glide is an accurate definition. I do that as much as traffic and road conditions permit.