Here is what we did. We used our money to put in some square foot gardens in the backyard of our little suburban house, install a hand water pump and pay for some of our mushroom efforts. The rest goes in the bank. Here are a some pictures. (Yep I tried...the pictures looked real nice on the preview?. So, If you on the link to see the photo.) Water flowing from our hand driven well and hand powered pump. We use the water on our flower and vegetable gardens. I can easily pump 5 gallons in less than a minute...much more if I want to hurry. My wife loves to use this pump. Our new square foot gardens. What the heck is that? Well it is a sweet gum log end 45 days after innoculation with shitake mushroom
Cool, looks good. Supposed to get mine this week, but I'm going to use it to pay bills, the government might be the stupidest government on earth, but I'm not.
Replaced my 30-year-old film camera with a digital SLR camera with part of mine, so I guess I'm toeing the Administration line. About to pull the trigger on a big home remodelling project, and with the cost of some green materials/tech, the gov's check wouldn't even make a dent in that!
Looks good Jim I doubt I'll get a check but if I do I'll be putting it into my credit card bill. It's the only debt I have and it's minor so it feels good to pay it down.
I won't get mine until July , I'm last on the list. Not sure what I'll do with it just yet. Maybe some stuff for the Pri, maybe some stuff for the boat, maybe some stuff for the fishtanks, who knows. At least I know that I won't have to use it for much gas!
I got mine. And it went right into my savings account. I'm gonna use it eventually to go back to school.
car loan? what car loan? that was done long before the gummint sent us any money. i've got it stashed away for now, until we figure out where it's gonna go. it looks as though we might not have a need for it until it's time to buy books for fall semester. but my definition of "need" is pretty hardcore.
Put the $1800 towards the Hymotion #65 conversion. I know I'll never get the money back, but I'll enjoy it.
i'll be doing the smart thing which is exactly opposit of what the admin says to do, pay down cc''s the same as getting a high interest payback ie; payoff cc @ 18%=18% more in my pocket
We used $1000 of the rebate to pay down what we owe on our new 2008 Prius & the other $200 went into the bank.
I have a 1BR condo that hasn't been upgraded since the 70s (except for a few appliances that I've already had to replace). I've been saving money for upgrades so the money will go into that fund. But I am hoping to make the renovations eco-friendly if I can afford it, and even $600 might help toward that end.
Not sure. I'll either save it or use it to pay taxes. Perhaps I'll put it in a CD or our money market slush fund while we figure out how long we're gonna stay in our current house. If we decide to stay a long time, I'll probably put it towards PV or solar water heating. If not, it'll end up in some kinda investment account. I won't spend it on useless shite, that's for sure. Of course, I've gotta actually file my taxes first.