Toyota has been telling me to change my brakes for the last 3 oil changes. This weekend I decide to do it. I bought the best pads Napa makes wanting to never do this again. When I got the old ones off I see they are only half way worn down. I change them anyway. Now I get a random grinding noise at low speed from the passenger side. It comes and goes, but seems to come at the worst times like when I am picking taxi fares up or driving through the train pickup line.
Is there a question behind this post, or is it just a precautionary tale about dishonest dealers and bad brake pads? Tom
Yeah, what did I do wrong on the passenger side?? I really don't want to take it back apart but i don't think it will fix itself.
You didn't say what the rotors looked like. Were they worn, scored or smooth? Did you lubricate the caliper guides? The old pads were half-worn, but were they worn evenly on each pad at each wheel? If one of the pad pairs on a wheel was worn more than the other, that also points to a stuck caliper on that wheel (the piston in the caliper body doesn't retract when the brakes are released). That new pad is being pressed against the rotor all the time instead of releasing. There's also some break-in period needed on the new pads. Try doing some quick stops from 30 mph on a unoccupied road when in neutral to make the hydraulic brakes work without regen. Or, go down a long hill in neutral while braking.
hey my felow cabdriver how many killometers did you have?just asking ! oh and one more thing.shoulldnt the the brake light indicator come on to tell you need new brake pads???????????????
when you change the pads if the matirial is diferent than the stock part then they will squeal.if you put harder pads then they will definetly make all kinds of whould have to change the disks to the same brand of pads to stop the sounds!
I've done enough breaks to this is far from true. I just took that side off and put it back together and now it's all quite and perfect. I don't know how to switch the readout to kilo's. It's got 126k miles on it. No issues. The breaks were just the dealer trying to ripme off. Just like the $150 they wanted to change the sparkplugs. It's a 2007, and I have put 35k miles on my hankook 727's and they still look new. They dropped my mileage from close to 60 down to 45 mpg.