After seeing all of these specials on the pip base, like $269 leases, I wonder if I got an ok deal. I pay $350 a month for 12k a year 36 month lease. I traded in a ford f150, they gave me $4k for it towards the pip. No other money down. My buyout is around $17k in 3 years.
(350 x 12 = 4200) 4200 x 3 = 12600 truck = 4000 buyout = 17000 Total = 33600 you can buy it for around 28.5k on the east coast and 31k on the west(+ttl in both)
But doesn't the $350 include interest? (and perhaps tax and license) The contract should show the price of the vehicle, or capital amount, that the lease is based on. The trade allowance might show as "capital reduction." But depending on when the OP leased the car, there may have been no factory participation as there is now for PiPs, whether for lease or sale. Probably a whole bunch of us who bought at the rollout are feeling the same way now.
i put 8k down, and my 36 mt lease costs 177/mt. base model Pip. Your buyout is same as mine after 3 yrs. $17,600 My lease was based on a cost of $29,200 everything in. Dan
Lots of missing info here. First where are you located? For incentives What kind of value did your truck carry? What's your tax rate? Since your price seems to include all the fees/TTL