Our '06 Prius seems to always default to the "consumption" screen upon startup regardless of the screen display when the car was previously shutoff. Our '05 starts up showing whatever was on display in the prior shutoff (energy flow or consumption). Is there any setup or programming to change this behavior on the '06 so it acts like the '05?
No. If you have NAV, it can show the "I Agree" screen on startup, instead. Interesting enough, if you leave it on the energy screen, and turn it off for just a few minutes, it will be back to the energy screen when you start it up. Been through this in another thread.
My experience is that if the car is off for a short amount of time (with 'short' being a undefined term), it will always start up on the screen on which it was last left. If it has been off for a 'long' time, it will always default to consumption on startup. The exception being sometimes it will default to the map/I Agree screen - seemingly if route guidance was in effect when it was shut down. So in my daily travels, it always starts on Consumption on the first startup of the day. And after that, as I run arround, start and stop, it will return on startup to the screen it was on when I last turned it off. Then it sits all afternoon, and when I hop in to go home in the evening, it always starts on Consumption again. There is no known way to change the behavior... -Ken
Actually you can choose to make a screen a default or to stay on the screen you are on. I believe it is found in the setting screen if you scroll down.
Here's what I know: The only thing you can change is whether is screen goes back to consumption after a short time on another screen. For instance, if you change to climate and leave it there, it will revert back to comsumption/energy on its own. You can change this function only. Meaning you can stay on the climate screen. The process is in your owners manual. But, I know in my car it will always begin on the consumption screen. Hope this helps.
Yeah, that was annoying when I was parked and had the audio screen up so I could scroll thru my newly installed XM radio stations, and the screen kept reverting from audio to consumption/energy after 15 seconds. I immediately brought out the manual to find the 'fix' for that annoyance. And ditto on what everyone said above about what screen the mfd shows upon startup. For the 2006's at least...after it's been powered off for awhile, the consumption screen will always come on first but after it's powered off for a very short time, whatever screen was showing last before it was powered off will come back on.