My 2006 Prius w/ 245k miles needs a new engine. I've also found a 2010 one owner with 175k miles and regular maintenance completed. My decision is to put a new engine with 125k miles in the 2006 for $3300, or buy the 2010 for $7k. Thoughts?
Well I'll be putting the engine in my 2009 when and if it becomes time I'm at 300 and some change now and I'm certain I will not be paying $3,300 to install the engine in a Gen 2 that's buying the engine having it put in getting the oil transmission oil and coolant I did that in my Gen 3 for less than that It's about $24 26 maybe. And you can do it too unless you're in California might be problematic if you don't know the right people. That Gen 3 even with good maintenance and well-loved is coming up into head gasket territory in 25,000 mi maybe a tad over and then you'll be putting an engine like you are in your Gen 2 and your generation 3 and it'll have around $200,220 something like that That's almost kind of like clockwork it's a crap shoot really some people just tell me I'm crazy but everyone I know was one that's either gotten out of the car because of the stutter and possible head gasket failure they've tried to fix it and then the engine failed or they've swapped out the engine from an engine that's not been worked on in this country and not been driven or used here and seemed to have reasonable luck with that. Or they pay the eight plus thousand I don't know whoever they are hybrid pit or any of those places and then they're getting an essential rebuilt engine reciprocating mass is completely renewed from Toyota and they're just adding your girdle and oil pan and the head
i'd put the new engine in, all things being equal. if you feel the rest of your car is good, the gen 3 has more problems than gen 2, so batteries and brake actuators, etc. are future possibilities in either car. what you won't have to worry about is a blown head gasket or worse
Agree. Toyota don’t manufacture and send new engines with miles piled already. Either new with no miles or used.
I wouldn’t buy a third gen with over 100k. Not to say don’t get third gen, but higher mileage ones are likely being dumped, EGR system totally clogged (dealership maintained) and head gasket going. Not that difficult? A “new” to the car, used engine.
It's new to them engine and you can do better than 125,000 for less money you can buy the JDM engine which is supposed to be between 55 and 80 which is substantially lower than 125 that engine above with the 55 to 80 cost me $1,300 and a couple hundred bucks to bring it from New Jersey to my house I had them bring a transmission at the same time so both pieces going in the car similar mileage similar end result we hope so far so good In the USA that Prius engine no matter the mileage they're going to be trying to get $1,900 for $240,000 mi oh it's still runs great and looks beautiful That's what you're up against in the States what others will pay what somebody thinks. I'm not really about that
Thanks everyone for clarifying. Reminds me why I am not an English teacher… So to help the OP does a Gen 2 engine just drop into a Gen 3 without any issues? Heck to answer the OP get both. You’ll have a spare vehicle when one goes south!
It’s confusing, but I “think” OP’s proposing to: 1. put a used gen 2 engine in his gen 2 or: 2. trade up to gen 3
Toyota majorly screwed up on engine design of Gen3 Prius, which is why there's no such thing as a 300K mile club for Gen3.... But there's endless Gen2 Prius still on the road with more than 300K miles. However, when you look at the Gen3 Prius and pull off the coolant reservoir cap and hear a sucking sound that's early stages of head gasket failure and if you could talk them down to a stupid low price you might get a couple years before the engine needs to be repaired and at that stage you could put in a Gen4 engine. And there's a mobile mechanic on here who it south of you in Oklahoma who will do that engine swap in your driveway in one day for $1500.