I just bought a 2007 Prius Touring with 11K miles on it. (I know nothing about cars, so be kind in your responses please.) The carafe shows it had regular maintenance at a Toyota dealership, but does not show EXACTLY what was done each time. for example, it says "Regular maintenance performed. 90,000 service performed." I take it to my local dealer for an 'oil change' and 'inspection.' This process should be called "Where the dealer sees how many 'services' can be 'sold' to the owner." They immediately try to sell me new tires, saying it's a "buy three get on free" sale until the end of the month. That 'deal' is $690 for 4 Bridgestone Turanza EL 400-02 BW and they push the 'free alignment and free lifetime rotation.' $690? Tire rack has that exact tire for $520 delivered. I'm sure I can get someone to put them on for less than $170! I DECLINED this 'sale.' The car came with 4 snow tires, so I figure as long as I can get these tires up to this winter - I can buy new tires in the spring. Then comes the HARD SELL: New water pump $526 Inverter service $229 Electric motor service $229 Coolant flush $179 Air filter $49 Cabin filter $69 I took a 'blind stab' and told them to do the Inverter Service and the two filters. What did I do right? What should I have done differently?? BE KIND!! Thanks!
11,000 miles in 8 years? Maybe 110,000 miles? Nobody services an electric motor or inverter. Filters are cheap & real easy to replace yourself. If there is turbulence in the container the coolant pump is working. I don't replace working parts because they "might" or "eventually" fail--even under warranty or recall. Basically the car just needs oil and filter changes. Drain & fill the tranny fluid every 50000 miles (not in the book but recommended here). Replace anything that is worn. I don't know when you'll need a brake job. I'm on the original set.
I would find out asap why they want to replace the water pump, which circuit it's on, ie: engine or inverter circuit. It might be serious, if it's actually failed. But just a guess, it's just preemptive, in which case I do not know, wasn't there a recall on second gen water pump? Have no clue what Inverter service might be, did they explain? Electric motor service, even less clue: very meaningless description?? The mileage you say is 11K? Do you mean 110K, ie: 110,000 miles? In that case, you're overdue for the engine coolant change, and the inverter coolant change can be delayed. Read the maintenance book. Filters? This is something I'd never delegate to dealership. Inspect them yourself, and replace only when they're getting dirty. With the cabin filter I'd be inclined to try to clean it first, with reverse blast of compressed air, even just a vacuum cleaner on blow, for example. With the engine filter I wouldn't clean, just replace when it's moderately dirty.
BTW, brake jobs are more than just pad replacement. Caliper pins should be periodically lubed, for example. Bottom line, crack the maintenance booklet, have a read. If it's missing you can download from Toyota TechInfo, the manual section. This might also be handy: 2010 Prius Maintenance Schedule (US) | PriusChat
One would think that 11k miles wouldn't need anything other than an oil change and maybe... maybe the air/cabin filters. The car should, for all practical purposes, be just like new. My 2007 has 108k miles on it; I get it serviced at the dealership where I bought it from on a regular basis, and the prices for things like an oil change or filters isn't anywhere near what you mentioned. Also, when I needed tires for it, they were at least $100 cheaper than what you listed. I ended up going with 16" rims/tires (matching the Touring Package) and replaced the original wheels and tires just two months ago. I paid less than $400 for them on Schmeebay. The same seller has the same set of tires listed again. These should be an exact match to the size you have now. Try searching for "4 New 195 55 16 Goodyear Eagle Ultra Grip Run Flat Snow Tires" and you'll find the set I bought for mine... if, in fact, your car even needs tires. Don't be afraid to look around and/or get other opinions. The batteries typically don't require any servicing, and have a lifespan of around 300k miles... the only thing I've had changed on mine since purchasing it has been a driver's wheel hub, which the dealership replaced under warranty just shortly after I bought the car.
the only problem with a 8 year old car with only 11,000 miles is that some feel lack of use is bad for the hybrid battery.
Thanks everyone. Sorry it's 111,000 miles, not 11,000. . . Yeah, my sister has had her Prius for 10+ years and said just about the only thing she's had replaced other than a set of tires is the 12V battery. I guess I should have taken it to my '(semi)-local trusted mechanic' first, but I wanted to give 'the dealer' a shot. At $400 for an oil change, filters, and an 'inverter service' (still not certain what that IS), it's going to go to the '(semi)-local trusted mechanic' from now on. . .
So you and I basically have the same car. An air filter is pretty cheap; $8+ depending on what brand you get. A cabin filter is $4.40+ depending on brand. An oil change at the dealership where I got mine is typically $30, using Mobile 1/Toyota Motor Oil... if I were you, I wouldn't be afraid to take it to other places to get it inspected. Sounds like the dealer isn't being very honest about prices or services... I suppose some of it could be where you live, too, but those prices seem extremely high. OP = Original Poster
air filter on e bay 9 bucks cabin filter on e bay 5 bucks change them yourself in a few min's dealers will always screw you
OP means Original Poster which would be you Lawdawgz. Be aware when you get your oil changed at the dealer they will almost always overfill the hell out of it. Check your oil first thing in the am for correct reading. Modern cars use oil to manipulate the valve timing and that mechanism has its own oil filter and also stores quite a bit of oil so it takes alot of time for the oil to return back to the pan when you shut the car off. AM reading is true reading. Expect yours to be overfilled quite a bit. They overfill it because there using vat oil with a very inaccurate pump. So they error on overfill not under fill. Its a horrible oil change imho. Crap oil with super inaccurate amount. That and your subject to endless barrage of upsells. Be aware that your car also eats oil at this mileage.Since its new to you check the oil in the am every few days to get a sense of exactly how much oil its using. Then once a week. Seen many a poster here with a lunched motor that ran real low on oil with dealer service. With dealer service apparently people think the car is under professional care and I don't even need to open the hood. Problem is the dealer never checks the oil before the change and then come out and notify you hey your almost empty here sport. Regular Dealer service is a death sentence imho. Only time I have ever taken my car to the dealer was for recalls. Find a local guy. Your going to need him. Go to Walmart and buy Mobil 1 5-30 in 5 quart jug for $24. Go to dealer and buy the OEM oil filter for $4. Local guy will do it for $25. Good for 10,000 miles with very high quality oil and correct filter. Car takes 3.5 quarts with new filter. You salvage 1.5 quarts so after 3 oil changes you have free oil change. I bought my car new. I check the oil every weekend. Its using oil.
It may be down to the quality of oils in the Uk, but my 2008 Prius with 10k more miles than the OP's uses no measurable oil between 10K oil changes. This is using 0w20 fully synthetic oil. I do totally agree that the oil should checked on a regular basis or at leased every other fuel refill. John.
Don't know but not oil quality. My car has lived on M1 5-30 its whole life and is now eating oil. Not alot. But 1/3 of an inch between oil changes maybe more. I tried a higher quality oil that's a little higher viscosity and still seeing oil loss that I do not see with my other cars. Its no big deal but if I never checked the oil it would eventually run real low.
My 2005 Prius uses a quart every 3500 miles. Prius has 175k miles. I'm ok with that usage. Doesn't smoke at all. Basically one quart of oil to every 95 gallons of gas. Not bad. iPhone ?