iPhone Syncs, But How Do You Change Playlists? I picked up from Walnut Creek Toyota my white PiP this week; I was their first delivery. I bought my 2004 Prius 2 from them, and will be giving it to my niece (100k miles, barely broken in!) Impressively, the salesman synced my iPhone 4S in about 60 seconds, including the phone's contacts too. However.... already, a problem. The iPhone 4S connects via Bluetooth its Music, but the Nav screen is missing an essential control- a control which the Owner's Manual and Nav manual clearly depict: the essential control is those two arrows that bracket the Playlist's folder name, i.e. < Chopin Favorites > .. It's only by selecting one of these (non-appearing on my screen) arrows that one can change the Playlist to, say, "Led Zeppelin." No arrows to select, and you're stuck with the limited ability to advance one song at a time, or to select another song only from within the active playlist. Please tell me Toyota doesn't mean you have to palm your iPhone while driving and manually select a new Playlist! I have a couple more questions, that I'll post separately, since they're not related to this topic. Thanks all!
When listening to audio via bluetooth, you can't change/browse playlists. You have to use the USB plug to get that level of functionality. The bluetooth connection supplies audio & track information (artist, album, title, amount of time remaining). You can skip forward/back a track, and pause play.
Yeah, full iPod functionality is only available via USB connection. Plug in it and see if it works like you want;
I will check it out with the USB connecting cable shortly, and report back! Right now, I'm tearing out of my 2004 Prius my 144/440 Mhz Ham Radio, and then I'll begin to assess how to install it in the PiP. I'm sure I'll get some RF hash just like I did on the '04... Thanks guys, Peter