Hi. New owner of about a month. I love the car but have a knock that seems to originate in the right of the dash. It is a single knock that only occurs when I go around a corner in either direction. Sounds like a pencil in a plastic pencil box hitting the end. I've seen the posts about removing the glove box and changing the air filter but I'm reluctant to do this just yet. Anyone else with similar noise or suggestions. Ihave removed all glove box contents. Thanks.
Not sure center console would sound like the right side of dash. Glove box sounds like a great guess though!
1) take it to the dealer and see about having it checked under warranty !! or 2) i would guess that something fell into the ventilation system. i dropped some aspirins into it once. on each side of the dashboard there is a blower that directs air to defrost the small side windows up front, and its possible to drop stuff down there and into the vents.. the 4 major dashboard vents (left, 2 on each side of the stereo/mfd) and the one to the extreme right) are all removeable parts, and they snap out, you have to use a putty knife on each corner and carefully pry it out. then you would be able to shake the items out of it be cafeful about prying the vents out, they cost over $100 to replace, from memory
I didn't think so either. I was surprised by how efficiently sounds bounce around the hard-surfaced interior of the Prius cabin and obscure their source. Try *all* of the drawers and cubbyholes.
One of the common causes for this problem is the plastic shelf in the upper glove compartment. If it was not installed or improperly installed by the dealer it can make a lot of noise. Sounds are easily transmitted in this car, I had a rattle that I knew was somewhere in the back and turned out to be from coins my wife put in the sunglass compartment.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I know its not the sunglass holder or cubby. I will check the shelf to make sure its secure. If no resolution I'll have the dealer check it.
I took out the shelf in the glovebox. It was a little loose but not the source. It sounds like it may be in the defroster vent on the right. Do these pop out or are they removable? I had tint installed and guess they could have dropped something in here. Concerned about dealer not honoring warranty work if they found something from window tinting.
nya nya i might of been right there are two vents on the very right of the dashboard. one is like a narrow elongated shape one is a round shape i dont know anything about the narrow enlogated shape, but the round shaped one will drop stuff into the dashboard vents. the 4 vents are removable, they pop out, careful about scratching it, you have to use a putty knife, search for dashboard removal?? if you break the vent it will cost $100 to replace. each dashboard vent (front vents) have 6 plastic tabs holding them in if it is not in those removable dashboard vents (front vents), then i cannot help you any further. http://www.techno-fandom.org/~hobbit/cars/chris-dragon-dash.pdf kind of shows how to remove them
The round ones are molded into the dash and are not removable (unless you remove the entire upper dash top).
It can be as simple as opening and re-closing the cupholder and drawer at the front of the center console. Be sure to try that before yelling at an installer.
yah im not saying the round molded ones are removable. its just possible to drop stuff down the round molded vents and into the front vents. i have done it before, i dropped a bunch of asprins down there once, and i had to remove the front vents to shake them out
maybe before removing the vents you can shine a flashlight in there and see if u can see something....
Richard, I wouldn't "yell at the installer" simply conjecturing as to a possible way something could have gotten in the vent. Hope to check these a bit closer this weekend. Thanks, marc