Design News - Captain Hybrid - Battery Management Technology Could Boost EV Performance Hopefully the Prius and other PHV or PEV can get a firmware/ECU update and/or a Charger unit update to implement this if it is viable. (A plug and Play Upgrade using the existing battery chemistry for more EV mileage at no cost would be way cool) Being a DARPA project as others have commented, 3 to 4 years seems a bit optimistic though to reach commercial product integration.
Please read the full article. "The key to the improvements lies in the efficient use of existing battery chemistries. "The idea is, if you actually know where the charged particles are within the battery, then you can safely operate the battery right to its limit," Scott Moura, postdoctoral fellow at the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California, San Diego,"
I found Randy2000nc's comment on a charging technique he help develop 20 years ago to be more interesting than the article. Sounds like it could be implemented within the currently used BMS designs.
Except that they're working with Chevron-owned Cobasys, who will likely buy up the patents and sit on them.