Source: Amazing NASA image captures the moon's far side - Thanks to a satellite system Al Gore advocated, this amazing image. A Pink Floyd fan, I will be useless for the rest of the day: Maybe the rest of the week! Bob Wilson
I prefer to think of it as the Far Side of the moon. As a admirer of Gary Larsons work, I'll be very momentarily distracted and then forget all about this. However in honor of this thread I plan to look up at the moon tonight and yell.... " You! Yes You! Stand Still Laddie! "
Great image. Saw it on the evening news yesterday. It flew under the radar of most movie goers so I wouldn't be surprised if anyone here has seen this movie. It's about working on the dark side of the moon. Sam Rockwell is really, really good. Moon (2009) - IMDb And the less you know about it going in, the better. I wouldn't even suggest watching the trailer. OK, go ahead and do that but no more!
'Moon' is a great film. It really needs to be seen more than once, for all the things you missed the first time. The clues are pretty subtle the first time, and many of them are missed. And as for Pink and Floyd...Dark Side of the Moon is a timeless classic. It's still one of my favourite albums, despite 40 years of music since then.