Shall we try to set womething up for 7:00 PM Wednesday night? CAVEAT: NCAA and St/ Patrick's Day downtown!!! Gonna be busy. I can do Thursday or Friday myself, but we need to get it together. Please all interested respond to me ( [email protected] ) with your best time/day so we can capture the concensus and I'll get back to you all soon as I have the tally. Danny seems to want seafood (smart guy...). I can't afford any of the big time places but if anybody has a "sleeper" cafe that has great seafood at decent prices, let's go for it. Doesn't have to be downtown - we're all driving our Prii, right? And we can take Danny back to his hotel after. Bob
It can't be Thursday, there are 4 games that day and only about a 1-2 hour window for dinner, so it might be tight depending on traffic and whatnot. Let's shoot for Wednesday or Friday. RobertO and Bob Allen have my cell # if anyone needs to get in contact with me.