I was in a little fender bender last week. when the police came . we got to talking he told me that the prius is the one car that the police will not tuch. they wont try to unlock the doors for you open a hood, nothing.If in a reck they call the fire department right away. all because of the electricity that is in one of these cars. you hit the wrong wire and your dead he says. Did anyone know this ????
Your policeman is just plain stupid. Probably lost brain cells from all the exhaust from idling in his Crown Vic. Toyota has an emergency response PDF on their web site for HSD vehicles. The HV is disconnected if airbags deploy. Petition your local police department to get current on current cars. The Prius has been on the road for years. Why is this in "Prius Owner Photos"???
Police Drive the Prius Here The Broward County Sheriff's department (Ft Lauderdale) owns a bunch of Prii (my dealer said around 20), so I guess the "fear factor" won't be an issue here. What a perfect application for the Prius (except high speed pursuit)!
Yet another scare tatic rumor mill spread by ignorance or deliberate baiting. I would call the police chief and insist his officers take a basic course in extraction. I would go on record as stating if you are NOT extracted in the event of an accident you will OWN the department for negligance shown to a taxpayer.
Dereliction of duty is grounds for dismissal, and perhaps criminal negligence charges. I would write to the department advising themof their duty to discuss this (non-) issue with Toyota. Chances are the commander has a few more brain cells than the oaf you talked to. What about Insights? Civic hybrids? Accords? Lexus RX400H? Ford Escape? This guys gonna get a mighty long list pretty soon!