wondering what rates folks are getting on financing. i assume toyota has nice rates on some of the slower selling models but for Prius???
I got 4.5% from a local credit union that I wasn't even a member of. I would check with those first, because they are desperate to make money in a slow economy.
I mentioned to the dealer that I could get 5%/ 37-72 months and they didn't seem interested in chasing it. Earlier I had mentioned 3.5% / 36 months and they were totally uninterested. I'm getting 4.75% / 48 months at a CU I've been a member of forever. On a 36 or 48-month loan the rate doesn't make a lot of difference anyway.
Way back in March, Toyota offered us 4.95%. That was the best rate around at the time. We are accelerating our payments and may refinance at some point. I think we can get around 4.5 from our credit union now.
Funny the local Toyota ad's on TV are touting 0% interest and make no mention you can't get a Prius at that rate. But thier website says it's a no go.