First of all, I want to thank you for sharing your info here in the forum. I'm current doing research and gathering all the info I can before I purchase PiP. As of today 3/24/12, do you know of any Southern California dealers that have PIP in stock? I'd definately would like to test drive before I order one. As far as pricing goes, do you think that I'll have to pay "retail" or more, if I were to get the car from a dealer? Thank you.
I'm betting most bigger dealers will have some in stock soon if not now. I know salesmen at some dealers ordered vehicles under relatives names to get vehicles to sell. Definitely plan on paying over retail if you didn't pre-order.
Retail or over in So Cal, due to the new GREEN CARPOOL sticker... Retail if you want to wait in line at a dealer that does that... Over MSRP is you want it now...since most are just pre-orders, some drop out but most dealers have waiting lists...
Along a similar line: My college son went to Fry's Electronics (a big regional electronics retailer) this weekend to get some hot new just-released graphics card for his home-built desktop computer. He found the only one they had in stock was flagged as "held".... in a "friend's" name by an employee who had planned to buy it himself and flip it on eBay for a nice profit. My son "suggested" that management may not approve of such activity, and got the card himself.