I started up my car this morning and, while idling in my driveway, stationary, I noticed the ScanGauge reading 9999 MPG. That didn't make much sense, so I switched that pane to display GPH, and sure enough, that was reading zero. The other three panes made sense: RPM (about 1300), LOD (about 40%), WT (about 10 C and climbing). The engine was definitely running, warming up, and using fuel, but GPH was shown as zero. I pulled out into the street and on heavier acceleration. the GPH reading actually moved from zero (but to a value lower than I'd expect). But as soon as I backed off on the gas (engine still running, not yet warm enough to shut off), the GPH reading was zero again. I unplugged the cable at the back of the ScanGauge, waited a few seconds, and plugged it back in, and it went through reconnection and then all the readings made sense again. Has anybody else seen anything like this? -Chap
Interesting. You might check the release version as I know they've made changes over the years. The sad thing is you have to send it back which usually takes a week. There may be a $25 shipping charge. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
I had an odd situation just the other day myself. Never saw the error again. I had @ & and other weird symbols on everything. When I got home I shut off the car and then restarted the vehicle. No issues and never seen it again. I don't worry about it any more, but it did make my heart drop that it was broke! I would miss my scan gauge or Prius for that matter!