The EV system in my 2007 has never performed right. I have been through three, -- count 'em -- 3 Coastal Tech units. The car would go into EV on start up (sometimes), never once the car started. On start up I would get the beeps, and the MFD screen would come up on energy mode. RARELY, I would get the "Cannot enter EV mode now" message. More often it would not go into EV mode and give me no messages. When I put the third Coastal Tech unit it, it would not go into EV mode at all. I threw in the towel, took the CT unit out, and put in a separate button using Evan's protocol. Now: It will go into EV at startup AND while driving. But it does not necessarily show the Energy screen on the MFD. Also, the EV button setting on the ScanGuage does not show anything (never did). It will beep when it kicks out of EV mode. Any idea what is going on? Anybody want an CT switch to try out, or better yet take apart so we can make our own?
You may have the code entered in wrong. Double check you codes because it should work. If your still having trouble I can take a look at it at Hybridfest if your going this year.
Won't be going to HybridFest, but I will check the codes. Again. There are several others that do not work, e.g. Pedal position.
A quick look at the Coastal unit might help. Note that there's no real power supply, leaving the thing to try and parasite sufficient power off the cruise-control resistor array. I'm not at all surprised it's unreliable, and in your case maybe there's something just slightly different enough about your cruise-control switch that it's not letting the CT unit work right. I haven't derived the complete circuit or done any real analysis, so I couldn't tell you what to scope or what to look for. . Scrapping it and installing a real switch is definitely the way to go. Immediate, simple, eliminates a couple of variables. There are still quite a few *other* variables as concerns EV mode, but they're fairly well documented. To get the energy-screen/beep indication you have to first be switched *away* from it in some fashion -- on consumption, climate, audio, even the initial bootup screen. Not sure about nav or phone as I don't have those. I'm sure the thinking was "EV mode? Okay, if you're gonna thrash your battery a little bit, we're going to SHOW you the battery so you can keep an eye on things" in design. . _H*
I have to say that my CT is hit and miss (no message, no screen change). I also agree with the power theory, Hobbit...I power cycled the car at a signal once (just missed the green and had time...had to scramble when I forgot it went into park), and, ta-da! it worked. Did the same on a couple other times; same result. Not proof of power theory (could get into a locked state...reset clears)...but pretty strong evidence. Still, this is once in a while...especially when I use EV many times in a short period of time.